Saturday 24th August 2019 – Grandpa

The sun is awakening earlier, the threat of rain is dwindling and the 3rd green is finally open for play. You would have expected to see some brilliant scoring but unfortunately it was not the case. Scores of -6 -7 -8 and -11 were handed in early, but the ever reliable Dennis again battled hard for a score of +1 to take out first place. That handicap will again take another adjustment.
There were 4x Double Pluses carded for the days play, Rob, Brendon, Peter and Ken, all who made them using the unique format to great effect. Of these guys Brendon and Peter also placed in 2nd with a square card. They were also joined by Jason who also slotted one close on the 12th to win the ball hole.
A couple of Ivanhoe veterans tied up for 3rd place with -2, none other than Bob and Gordon. The real Priems and porks trailed back in 4th place with -3. Last but not least, in 5th Dale and Matt rounded out the placings with -4.
There was a total of 9 birdies carded for the day from 18 members. The greens still have a few wounds that are on the mend which could be attributing to scoring on the lower end of the spectrum. Another factor could be the wind, which picked up and was swirling around and gusting towards the end of the round.
This did not hinder Peps on the 18th, who managed the left to right wind to find it close to the pin for the second ball prize. This however was an exception, as Peps did not have the best of days. After the round, Gordon said that SOS was shanking them everywhere, Gordon himself was missing 1ft putts but they looked like pro’s in comparison to Dave and Peps who were not in good form at all. After the round, Whitey was complaining that he thought he played ok on the back 9, but had a -6.
The pro pin was on the 15th and the tee was up the front which left about 90m to the pin with the assist of the wind. This did not seem to help at all and the no one was close enough to take the prize so a jackpot for next week it will be. Noods received a phone call on the 11th green from one of his lady friends, and the gentleman that he is, he maintained the phone conversation going while he putted for birdie. Even though he was 2 foot away, he missed the putt and did not blame the phone that was wedged between his shoulder and chin. Maybe he was thinking about a decent pick up line rather than the golf?
Targe was there for the presentations and was wielding a brace on his wrist after some minor rectification works the other week. Hopefully it is well on the mend so he can be back on the winners list soon. Happy birthday to Peter who is celebrating a milestone this week.
Results for Saturday, 24 August 2019
1st Dennis Ward(+1) 2nd Peter Damou(□) 2nd Jason Hopkins(□) 2nd Brendon Mitchell(□) 3rd Gordon Hill(-2) 3rd Bob McDonald(-2) 4th Ryan Porker(-3) 4th Robert Priems(-3) 5th Matt Hunt(-4) 5thDale Webb(-4)
Seniors Results: 1st Dennis Ward (+1) 2nd Bob McDonald (-2) 2nd Gordon Hill (-2) 3rd Bill Eastoe (-5)
Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin15th Jackpot BallPin No 1 12th Jason Hopkins BallPin No 2 18th Andrew Petricola
There wasn’t a cloud to Blight the sky on 17 August 2019.

Last week was wet and only the most hardy (or foolhardy) ventured out and sloshed their way around the course. This week, the forecast promised better things and the hardy and the not so hardy turned out to the tune of seventeen players to try their chances. The rain gods had sprinkled the ground with another six millimetres or so yesterday so there were a few pretty wet spots around and the preferred lie was welcome in most places. Gordon did opine at one stage that he chipped better when he played as it lay but others expressed the view that ‘enhancing’ the elevation of the ‘preferred’ spot was not beyond the realms of possibility. But, the early cloud cleared away and the morning finished in brilliant winter sunshine but the expert view still was that a score of thirty-six would be enough to take the day.
That prediction looked very much like holding true until the last group finally handed in their cards. The waiting masses were torn between the options of the scores being so high that they had run out of fingers and toes or that it was just Blighty. And, just Blighty it was, after he dried out the back nine, so hot was he running. But, the real feature of the round was the birdie on the 7th that netted him no less that 5 points in one fell swoop. Everybody in the group agreed that it was a lovely putt. Not quite a club record for points on one hole, but right up there. Six singletons and a miss prevented the card from being a real show stopper.
Brendon started out like the veritable house on fire and put together a very impressive twenty-three points on the front nine. The first signs of a wobble came with a singleton on the ninth. Four more and a miss soon after put paid to a win and another spectacular score. JQ, on the other hand, played an even hand and filled in the third spot with a creditable 37 points. This was John’s last round for a while as he sets off to foreign fields for a well earned rest and some work just to keep his hand in.
Three unlikely types protected their handicap by coming in with 35 points. Jake joined us for the first time in a while and it seems that a venture into the real estate market has been occupying his mind more than somewhat in recent times. Porks was his usual non-committal self but obviously did enough to get his couple of points and keep his advance up the Championship Table on the go. Ken joined in and put his success down to the fact that he took eleven strokes fewer on the front nine than he did when he played with Chrispy and Rob last time.
And, in fifth place was another trio of Dennis (How good is golf), the Beast and Chrispy, who is looking forward to the Annual Challenge with his recently enhanced handicap. A summation error on Simon’s card meant that he was relegated and did not collect his much anticipated point.
The first BallPin was on the 12th and the only name on the card was Jason although Harry was only a tad further out from Jason’s marker. The ProPin was on the 15th and it was left to the Beast to collect that one with his shot to 3.99m. Bill reckons the best shot he has seen in a long time was down to Harry on the 18th who left it just 1.63m short of the hole to collect the second BallPin. The putt rattled home for the birdie (one of twelve for the day) and one less stroke on the Eclectic.
Gordon really lashed out and bought himself a box of HotDot balls and, on Thursday, played like a bit of a HotShot with one. After a not quite so stellar performance today, he changed horse in mid-stream but did not play significantly better with a ‘better’ ball. Harry played with a Wilson Staff but doesn’t blame the ball at all.
Jake might have scored better if it had not been for a draughtie and Harry’s ‘scone’ shot on the 11th left him well short of the red markers for his second. Gordon is trying to create a new rule that if you putt off the green, that constitutes an offence worth a shout. Jason managed it today on the 18th when a four metre putt finished off the green and a scratch score was the final result. Surely, punishment enough!
After the round, Bill was seen inspecting the backs of everybody’s legs and wondering why he was the only one that had mud splattered from ankle to knee. Maybe it was from his (unsuccessful) foray into the depths of one of the ponds to play a shot. Although Peter absolutely smashed the ball a few times today he wasn’t altogether happy and was heard to wonder whether he might do better if he learned to play ‘normally’. Whatever do you mean Pete?
SOS turned up to do the Treasurer thing and brought Olivia along to fit in a bit of coaching in the subtle art of the putter. When he spotted Jake at the table, he reckoned that Olivia had been to golf more times than Jake.
Tension is building as the Annual Challenge weekend at Rich River approaches and there is talk of handicaps needing to be protected. Play will be from Club handicap adjusted for the slope difference between Ivanhoe and RR. There will be points for both the home event and the Annual Challenge (aggregate) placings. Handicapping for the AC will be based on the highest Stableford score of the two rounds.
Results for Saturday, 17 August 2019
1st Andrew Blight(39) 2nd Brendon Mitchell(38) 3rd John Quinlan(37) 4th Ryan Porker(35) 4th Jake Priems(35) 4th Ken Watson(35) 5th Bill Eastoe(34) 5th Chris Priems(34) 5th Dennis Ward(34)
Seniors Results: 1st Andrew Blight (39) 2nd Bill Eastoe (34) 2nd Dennis Ward (34) 3rd Simon Powell (33)
Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin15th Bill Eastoe BallPin No 1 12th Jason Hopkins BallPin No 2 18th Harry Boughen
Wild and Wintery Par Competition – 10th August 2019
The cold blast was well and truly sweeping through from the West. There was snow in Canberra at the AFL, Simon issued a dire warning to everyone the night before via email after he had heard a damming report on the news about the weather. Nonetheless the bravest, most dedicated and frankly, the ones who had nothing else better to do, turned up to face the elements.
8 members were there bright and early, and there was much debate as to whether the course was fit for play. The course was deemed to be well and truly soaked, with the 17th green surrounded by puddles. Course management did their bast to place the pins around the puddles and after much consideration it was decided that play would commence. With the exeption of JQ, who decided that it was not worth the potential soaking that would most definately occur.
As it turned out, it rained heavily for about 3 holes and they rest of the day was pretty good, albiet with a damp course. This did not hinder Dave and Dale who played consistent enough to hand in cards with -1 to tie in first place. Dave has had an extrordinary year, he is sitting a tight third in the championship tally and has only played 11 times for the year with an average of 5.73 points per week. Dale was reaping the rewards of a relatively quite week at work due to the weather which obvioiusly helped free up his swing.
Even though blighty was in the first group, he was still counting up his score and working out his playing card some time after when everyone was waiting for the announcments to take place. He also managed to turn Brendon’s card into a rabble that was water damaged and all torn up! All those calculations proved to be correct after all, and he ended up on -2 for the day for 2nd place overall. He was asked if he had any eagles for the day after last weeks efforts, he simply replied with, sadly no but I just had a 4 pointer! Pitty we were playing par.
The beast managed the only 2 birdies for the day, dropping a 10ft putt from off the green on the third and also making birdie on the 13th. He also won a ball on the 4th hole for the nearest the pin. Noodles was not keen to play at all, but after porks was the 6th person to agree to play in the morning to make it an official round, the potential for points was too hard to pass up. He was neck and neck with porks all day, and ened up just ahead on -3. Porks was not far behind on -4 to be in 5th place. He also won the pro pin on the 12th to put it to 4m but wasnt that impressed after winning only $7, Blightly also mentioned that one of the dollars was already his that he had put in, which made it so much better. For whatever reason, it was decided not to play the 2nd ball hole due to the low numbers. Porks was not impressed at all after hitting it close on the 18th!
Blighty hit the same tree branch twice on the 2nd hole in the exact same spot, and they both skewed off into the swamp. There were no reported draughties however there were some lost balls from tee shots after finding their way into the rough or trees.
With only 7 played members, there was much discussion as to whether anyone would miss out on points or not. Well Brendon was not even close and ended up on -10. Tough day at the office. The damaged greens were showing sign of repair with the exception of the 3rd which is looking worse after being down for months now. Happy birthday to Brendon, Chris Vinecombe and JQ who all celebrate milestones this week.
Results for Saturday, 10 August 2019
1st David Mullenger(-1) 1st Dale Webb(-1) 2nd Andrew Blight(-2) 3rd Bill Eastoe(-3) 4th Stephen Butterfield(-4) 5th Ryan Porker(-5)
Seniors Results: 1st Andrew Blight (-2) 2nd Bill Eastoe (-3)
Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin12th Ryan Porker BallPin No 1 4th Bill Eastoe BallPin No 2 – No contest
August Monthly Medal 2019
It was a dark and gloomy morning for the July monthly medal and there was news that the course had taken a bit of a beating overnight. It was not from the weather but the infamoous local teens who had taken a liking to the greens and thought it would be best to leave there mark by doing some skids with they motorbikes. As a result, the 3rd, 9th, 11th and 18th greens had a local rule where two putts maximum would be taken if you ended up on the green.
What would this mean for scoring, if there was no chance of 3 or 4 putting? Well it didn’t help that much as the course was also fairly soggy from some rain, but it did not seem to hinder Dennis as he played consistently well to score nett 66 and take home the medal. His confidence was soaring as he was about to tee off on the 15th, as he announced to his group “how close should I put it”. Gordon responded with”how about a foot” and Dennis said no worries and hit a beautiful shot to put it to 55cm. It was more than close enough for the pro pin too!
Blighty had an up and down day, with his ball not making the ladies on the 3rd. He seemed to take a liking to putting off the green and was sinking putts left right and centre from the rough on about 6 holes. Although after coming off a 4 putt and 8 on the 16th, he hit a nice drive on the 17th to be about 30m from the green. In keeping up with his lack of use of the green for most of the day, he hit a nice little sand wedge which ran out and dropping in for an Eagle! 12 balls from the eagles nest later, he scored well enough for second place after a miscalculation on his handicap. It could have been better on the 18th as his tee shot was just off the green, all he needed to do was hit it on the green for a guaranteed bogie, but he proceeded to hit it through the other side and ended off the green. In typical Andrew form he hit his 3rd well past the hole, and then sunk the easiest of 15 footers for bogie after all.
Second place was also shared by Noodles and Dave with a 69 nett. Targe was complaining that his handicap keeps on creepinng out but he keeps on scoring points, and he played well enough on the day to come in 3rd place. Adam, Brendon and SOS all slotted into 4th with nett 71 and finally a couple of lefties in Ryan and Brent rounded out the placings with 72.
After blighty had sunk his eagle approach shot, there was a bit of celebrating and commotion, and with Blighty talking in SOS’s swing, he proceeded to shank it from the 18th tee. There were rumours that Dale had been consistently shanking them all day too. There were 7 birdies carded from 21 players, which included Brent who won the ball on the 12th. The final ball was won by Beast who hit a nice shot on the 18th.
There was a bit on controversy on the local rule on the 9th, Ryan was going for a birdie on the damaged green, but hit it past the hole and it rolled down the hill and off the green. He argued with noodles for the rest of the day about the rule, stating that he should recieve 4 for the hole even though his second putt would have been from off the green. It was verified with the club pro that this is the correct rule, much to Noodles dismay.
There were some rumours circulating that Dennis had been doing some welding work around Harry’s place and had been given some juicy handicapping benfits as a result. As H is away on a golfing expedition, the assistant handicapper is having none of this and has taken the liberty of adjusting Dennis by a couple after his win! Simon has taken a liking to gardening recently and is also considering helping out Harry too!!
Results for Saturday, 03 August 2019
1st Dennis Ward(66) (c/b t9) 2nd Andrew Blight(69) 2nd Stephen Butterfield(69) 2nd David Mullenger(69) 3rd Targe Mifsud(70) 4th Adam King(71) 4th Brendon Mitchell(71) 4th Stephen O’Sullivan(71) 5th Ryan Porker(72) 5th Brent Rowley(72)
Seniors Results: 1st Dennis Ward (66) 2nd Andrew Blight (69) 3rd Targe Mifsud (70)
Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin15th Dennis Ward BallPin No 1 12th Brent Rowley BallPin No 2 18th Bill Eastoe
Eagle’s nest Results: Eagle 17th Andrew Blight