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Monthly Archives: October 2009

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Results for 24th October and Matchplay Final

The matchplay final was an exciting affair again this year and right down to the last hole. Craig Sharp kept his cool and won the championship 1 up from Andrew Petricola. By all accounts Andrew was in the lead +3 at the turn and Craig made up the ground and overtook in the second nine.
Well done to you both for reaching the final which is no small feat. Commiserations to Andrew and Sharpie its great to see you get the major trophy, especially after being so close so many times.
Jan Siemon won the daily stableford competition with 39 points today 1 clear of Chris Priems and Mal Fleming. This now puts the top of the championship table into a very tight situation and set for a tense few remaining weeks for the top seeds.
Next week the majority of the club will be in Echuca and it is expected that at least 7 players will be at Ivanhoe next Saturday for a social game.


SharpieThe matchplay final was an exciting affair again this year and right down to the last hole. Craig Sharp kept his cool and won the championship 1 up from Andrew Petricola. By all accounts

Andrew was in the lead +3 at the turn and Craig made up the ground and overtook in the second nine. Well done to you both for reaching the final which is no small feat. Commiserations to Andrew and Sharpie its great to see you get the major trophy, especially after being so close so many times.

Jan Siemon won the daily stableford competition with 39 points today 1 clear of Chris Priems and Mal Fleming. This now puts the top of the championship table into a very tight situation and set for a tense few remaining weeks for Jan, Damo and Craig with Andrew snapping at their heels.

Name Championship Points Wins Second Places Third Places Fourth Places Fifth Places
Jan Siemon 77 2 8 1 8 2
Damien Lee 75 5 0 10 1 3
Craig Sharp 75 4 5 3 2 5
Andrew Petricola 66 2 6 3 3 5

Next week the majority of the club will be in Echuca and it is expected that at least 7 players will be at Ivanhoe next Saturday for a social game. There are 3 groups booked as at Monday night so there are five free spots going at 7.20am next Saturday.

Fred Kitson Spring Cup Final Results 17th October 2009

The Fred Kitson Spring Cup has once again been blessed. Last year the inaugural competition was won by Derek McDonald, Fred’s son-in-law and this year our youngest member, the boy wonder strikes again and shows that hanging in there and posting a square score to your handicap is the way to win 2 round competitions. Very well done from all us to the Fred Kitson Spring Cup Winner Kazim Akdag. He is in excellent form and wins this major trophy after recently knocking off the August Monthly Medal. Commiserations to Rodger and Craig who came in a close second – won’t mention the bridesmaid 🙂
As I said last week, Fred would have been mightily happy that none of you bastards beat par!!
Once again our intrepid catering officer from the windy city put on another amazing bbq full of delights from the Queen Victoria Market including chilli and hungarian sausages. I’m sure every one had clear sinuses and excellent bowel movements the foliowing day 🙂
Thanks Oliver from all the happy club members, they’ve never had it so good!
Placings for the Fred Kitson Spring Cup 2009 are :-
Winner Kazim Akdag (Square)
2nd Rodger Clarke, Craig Sharp(-1)
3rd Mehmet Akdag, Oliver Gross(-2)
4th Ed Kloprogge(-3)
5th Chris Priems, Mal Whelan(-4)

Kazim AkdagThe Fred Kitson Spring Cup has once again been blessed. Last year the inaugural competition was won by Derek McDonald, Fred’s son-in-law and this year our youngest member, the boy wonder strikes again and shows that hanging in there and posting a square score to your handicap is the way to win 2 round competitions. Very well done, from all us, to the Fred Kitson Spring Cup Winner Kazim Akdag. He is in excellent form and wins this major trophy after recently knocking off the August Monthly Medal. Commiserations to Rodger and Craig who came in a close second – won’t mention the bridesmaid 🙂

As I said last week, Fred would have been mightily happy that none of you bastards beat par!!

Once again our intrepid catering officer from the windy city put on another amazing bbq full of delights from the Queen Victoria Market including chilli and hungarian sausages. I’m sure every one had clear sinuses and excellent bowel movements the foliowing day 🙂  Thanks Oliver from all the happy club members, they’ve never had it so good!

Welcome back to David Rees who’s been busy the last couple of months.

The grapevine tells me Johnny Quinlan might be heading back to the land of the poms. Hopefully it won’t be for too long and he won’t forget his mates here at the club.

Placings for the Fred Kitson Spring Cup 2009 are :-

Winner Kazim Akdag (Square)
2nd Rodger Clarke, Craig Sharp(-1)
3rd Mehmet Akdag, Oliver Gross(-2)
4th Ed Kloprogge(-3)
5th Chris Priems, Mal Whelan(-4)

Handicappers Notes.
Click on Handicapping Rules on the bottom right side of the screen and refer to Handicapping for two round competitions if you are unclear how your new handicap has been calculated.

Fred Kitson Spring Cup Round 1 Results

This two week competition is dedicated to Fred Kitson, Derek McDonalds father-in-law who sadly passed away last year. For those of you that did not know Fred he had a wicked sense of humour and was invited to nominate his memorial trophy format which he knew about in hist last couple of months with us. His words were “Its going to be Par you bastards!” .. and he will be chuckling to himself that nobody got a plus score in the first round despite being a beautiful day and good course conditions.
Here is the leaderboard from round 1 – a tight leaderbaord with anybody a chance next week.
1st place. S.Butterfield, E.Kloprogge (square)
2nd place. R.Clarke,Tony Mifsud, M.Akdag, L.Mannix, B.McDonald, C.Sharp (-1)
3rd place. J.Sieman, K.Akdag, G.Hill (-2)
4th place B.Akdag, C.Priems (-3)

This two week competition is dedicated to Fred Kitson, Derek McDonalds father-in-law who sadly passed away last year. For those of you that did not know Fred he had a wicked sense of humour and was invited to nominate his memorial trophy format which he knew about in hist last couple of months with us. His words were “Its going to be Par you bastards!” .. and he will be chuckling to himself that nobody got a plus score in the first round despite being a beautiful day and good course conditions.

Here is the leaderboard from round 1 – a tight leaderboard with anybody a chance next week.

1st place. S.Butterfield, E.Kloprogge (square)
2nd place. R.Clarke,Tony Mifsud, M.Akdag, L.Mannix, B.McDonald, C.Sharp (-1)
3rd place. J.Sieman, K.Akdag, G.Hill (-2)
4th place. B.Akdag, C.Priems (-3)


Results for October 2009 Monthly Medal

Our esteemed Club Captain, Damien Lee, won the monthly medal on countback from Andrew Petricola today. Both players had net 68 and played to their handicaps which is just what you’re supposed to do. In fact, they were the ONLY players to play to their handicap! Well done Damo and bad luck Pepsi.
What with work commitments and visiting relatives I’ve been missing in action the last few weeks and I’m peeved I can’t make the first round of the Fred Kitson competition, however, I am gracious enough 🙂 to wish you all good luck on Saturday.
How about Melbourne Storm! That cut down the pain from the Geelong win (sorry Gordo!).

Our esteemed Club Captain, Damien Lee, won the monthly medal today on countback from Andrew Petricola. Both players had net 68 and played to their handicaps which is just what you’re supposed to do. In fact, they were the ONLY players to play to their handicap! Well done Damo and bad luck Pepsi (although he did win the money!). That now brings Damo to 5 wins this year but strangely no seconds and 9 thirds. Looks like a good bet at Xmas.

What with work commitments and visiting relatives I’ve been missing in action the last few weeks and I’m peeved I can’t make the first round of the Fred Kitson competition, however, I am gracious enough 🙂 to wish you all good luck on Saturday.

How about Melbourne Storm! That cut down the pain from the Geelong win (sorry Gordo!).

Results for Saturday, 03 October 2009
1st Damien Lee(68) 1st Andrew Petricola(68) 2nd Malcolm Adey(70) 2nd Mehmet Akdag(70) 2nd Neil Argall(70) 2nd Rod Grant(70) 3rd Targe Mifsud(71) 4th Grant Heavysege(72)4th John Quinlan(72) 5th Ken Grist(73) 5th Tony Mifsud(73) 5th Craig Sharp(73)
Monthly Medal Winner. Damien Lee 68 on countback from Andrew Petricola
NTP. Andrew Petricola