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Results for 22nd August 2009

Unfortunately I could not make the game today, a family crisis, but all is well now. Congratulations to Johnny Quinlan (Aussie Bob) our winner today, with an excellent 38 Stableford.
The club extends a warm welcome to Bill Eastoe  who put in a good round today for second place. Bill mentioned in the week that he was concerned we might be giving him too high a handicap, however with 37 points that was pretty much on the mark. Bill you will be pleased to know that we will be adjusting down your handicap based on such a fine score today so you don’t need to worry now 🙂
I was hoping to catch up with David Howard today to finalise the 2010 calendar, I will call David during the week to get the details and publish the new calendar on the website.
The championship table is now getting interesting, off the top of my head I believe there are only 10 or so games left to score points for the 2009 championship so better get out there practising.

Unfortunately I could not make the game today, a family crisis, but all is well now. Congratulations to Johnny Quinlan (Aussie Bob) our winner today, with an excellent 38 Stableford. Just goes to show it makes no difference no matter what hat you wear!

The club extends a warm welcome to Bill Eastoe  who put in a good round today for second place. Bill mentioned in the week that he was concerned we might be giving him too high a handicap, however with 37 points that was pretty much on the mark. Bill you will be pleased to know that we will be adjusting down your handicap based on such a fine score today so you don’t need to worry now 🙂

There’s a rumor that with all the money the Akdag clan have been cleaning up each week that they are starting up a bank and will offer all members cheap loans! Mehmet won it again!!

I was hoping to catch up with David Howard today to finalise the 2010 calendar, I will call David during the week to get the details and publish the new calendar on the website.

The championship table is now getting interesting, off the top of my head I believe there are only 10 or so games left to score points for the 2009 championship so better get out there practising.

Results for Saturday, 22 August 2009
1st John Quinlan(38) 2nd Bill Eastoe(37) 2nd Trevor Jackson(37) 3rd Craig Sharp(35) 4th Kazim Akdag(34) 4th Mehmet Akdag(34) 4th Andrew Petricola(34) 4th Chris Priems(34)5th Malcolm Fleming(33) 5th Oliver Gross(33)
NTP. Mehmet Akdag.

Results for 15th August 2009

Congratulations to our honorable secretary David Howard who nudged out Noodles and Gordo to win the stableford competition today with 38 points. For some reason it was a fairly low scoring day but apart from being cold it was reasonable conditions … is the course getting harder or am I falling into the abyss 🙂

Matchplay table has been updated, In the semi finals Craig Sharp will be playing Oliver Gross and Andrew Petricola will play the winner of the David howard/Ed Kloprogge match.

Results for Saturday, 15 August 2009


1st David Howard(38) 2nd S Butterfield(37) 2nd Gordon Hill(37) 3rd Damien Lee(36) 4th Malcolm Fleming(35) 5th Targe Mifsud(34) 5th Stephen O’Sullivan(34)
NTP. Gordon Hill

Results for 8th August 2009

Eagle man Joe Demir took out today’s Par competition with an excellent +3. I was in his group and he was hitting monster drives which spurred Mehmet into a driving contest. Joe eagled the 14th (from the 16th fairway) and a bush blocked his view but it was witnessed by the playing group. Unfortunately the eagles nest was down to one ball as it went off last week..bad luck Joe.

Congratulations to Winners and Grinners, Oliver and Craig, who won their matches in the Matchplay Competition. Commiserations to Ben and Malcolm who did well to get to this stage. They must feel the same way the Hawks do at the moment.

Kazim knocked opff the money hole and I’m sure is investing his winnings carefully 🙂

Results for Saturday, 08 August 2009
1st Joe Demir(+3) 2nd Jan Siemon(+1) 3rd Oliver Gross(0) 3rd John Quinlan(0) 4th Ken Grist(-1) 4th Gordon Hill(-1) 4th Chris Priems(-1) 5th Damien Lee(-2)
NTP. Kazim Akdag.
Matchplay: Oliver Gross d Malcolm Adey, Craig Sharp d Ben Akdag.

August Monthly Medal Results 1st Aug 2009

Another Monthly Medal goes to Kazim two strokes clear from Craigie Sharp who must be crying in
his cornflakes .. Well done Kazim from all of us, even Craig :-). Its interesting to note that Kazim started with 33 handicap in Mar 2008 and he’s now more than halved it .. sorry about the 15 handicap n0w Kazim!

Pepsi won the money hole and yours truly the ball hole.

The Eagles Nest was finally won by Mehmet on the 17th hole and for that he got 15 balls! Nice to see the Eagles Nest build up for a nice prize .. long gone are the days when David Primrose used to have an eagle every other week.

Welcome to two new faces this week, Bill Eastoe (who must be alright he lives near me) and Grant Heavysege (A Canadian exile with two weeks residency in Oz). Bill shot 84 and Grant 80 so we’d better watch them closely!

Neil kindly organised the club jackets and caps and some were distributed today. For those of you yet to grab yours its $25 for jacket and $7.50 for the cap. Please pick up from Neil asap.

Full Results for today are.
NTP. Money A.Petricola, Ball A.Davies
Eagles Nest. M.Akdag
Monthly Medal Winner. Kazim Akdag(64)
1st Kazim Akdag(64) 2nd Craig Sharp(66) 3rd Ben Akdag(67) 4th Ken Grist(68) 4th Jan Siemon(68) 5th Mehmet Akdag(69)