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Monthly Archives: December 2009

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Happy New Year – We’re off again for 2010!

Hope all members had a great Xmas and are looking forward to New Years Eve celebrations. After our busy schedule last year, this year will be just as much fun so keep practicing!! Check out the new 2010 calendar (on right side of screen).

Next Saturday is our first handicapped round for 2010 and is a Stableford competition. The following Saturday, 9th January, will be the January monthly medal.

Don’t forget to make your New Years resolutions….my resolution is not to make any New Years resolutions 🙂


Results for Stuart Clarke Champion of Champions

The 2009 Stuart Clarke Champion of Champions is Gordon Hill who won today with a net 66, runner up was Craig Sharp with a net 68. Well done Gordon that caps off a great year. It was nice to see Paul Clarke give away Stuart’s inaugural Champion of Champions trophy today.

The stableford competition today was won by Mal Whelan with an excellent 41 that finished his year off in style.

Todays rounds are not handicapped as the Champion of Champions only involves the years trophy winners and the stableford comp is social only. That means the rounds are not included for championship points or eclectic (sorry about the birdies today!).

At the AGM today Andrew Petricola was voted in as the new club president. We all wish Andrew the very best for his new role and its great to see a younger member of the club step up to move the club forward.

The AGM made some decisions today which were (from my recollection – David will post the full minutes on the site shortly).

(1) the  2010 year will run championship points right up to the champion of champions. That means the Vin O’Meara just played and the 2010 Vin O’Meara will both be included in the 2010 championship points.

(2) Prize money for 2010 Vin O’Meara will be split 60%,30%,10% for 1st, second and third.
Finally a very merry xmas and new year to all our members and their loved ones. Take care and don’t drink drive, believe me its not worth it!!

Vin O’Meara Final Round Results 19th December 2009

Today was a field day for the club veterans with  four of the top five players all holding seniors cards!!! Vin would have liked this result and is having a second chuckle to himself after washing out the competition last year.

The Vin O’Meara Xmas Competition was won by Allan Davies with 126 strokes closely followed by runner up Rodger Clarke with 130 points. Allan grimly hung on to his first round lead which Rodger closed by a stroke but not quite enough to take the win. Congratulations also to Jan, Bob and Harry who ran third today.

Final results for Vin O’Meara Xmas Cup 2009.

1st Allan Davies (126), 2nd Rodger Clarke(130) 3rd Jan Siemon, Harry Boughen, Bob McDonald(134) 4th Neil Argall, Andrew Petricola(137) 5th Gordon Hill, Targe Mifsud(138) 6th Tony Mifsud(139) 7th Damien Lee(142) 8th Chris Priems, Malcolm Adey(144) 9th Laurie Mannix, Rod Grant(146) 10th Ken Grist(147) 11th Emilio Bassi (148) 12th Joe Demir(149) 13th Stephen Butterfield, Mal Fleming(152)

Both rounds have been handicapped. The handicapping after round 1 can be found ( here ). Refer to the current handicap sheet for the second round handicapping.

Next week is the Stuart Clarke Champion of Champions.. Note that we are also playing a normal stableford round as well on the same day. The following players are eligible for the 2009 Stuart Clarke Champion of Champions competition.

Ed Kloprogge
Damien Lee
Gordon Hill
Ken Grist
Kazim Akdag
Craig Sharp
Mehmet Akdag
Rod Grant
Stephen Butterfield
John Quinlan (absent)
Tony Mifsud

Note. This is the Champion of Champions for 2009 year only. The Vin O’Meara just played is the first round of the 2010 year.

Good luck to you all!!

Remember its the AGM next week. Any AGM business to be raised with David Howard.

Player Statistics

I’ve been experimenting with the golf information in the handicapping database and if you click on ‘Your Statistics‘ (on the right lower side of the page) you’ll be able to lookup your stats and all scorecards since you started.