Results for 30 November 2013 – December Monthly Medal

What can you say? The Championship has been decided pretty much for weeks, but is Oliver satisfied? No way, after tearing the course apart last Saturday AND Sunday he came back to give it another work-out today. The conditions as far as the weather was concerned were as good as we have had for quite a while and it is a bit of a shame that the numbers partaking were not greater than the 17 or so who turned up. It seems that the delicacies that Oliver turned out on the bar-b-que afterwards were not enough to tempt more to turn up. Oh well, those who were there will be able to gloat about the marinated chops and chicken wings, gourmet sausages and beef and bacon burgers that were available in plenty. Not to mention the pide and wholegrain sourdough to keep your fingers from getting sticky. There was also some dead horse but it seemed a shame to spoil the fare by slathering it with the indeterminate substances that they pass off in squeeze bottles these days.
Back to the golf. Oliver’s form did slip a little from last week and he only managed a 73 off the stick to card a 65 nett. His playing partners report that he duffed quite a few off the tee. Must have been some great recovery shots if that was the case. Needless to say that the Championship was deservedly his by a country mile.
Targe was more than a little miffed that he was pipped at the post again to go through the year without a win to his name. A swag of good placings did stand him in good stead though and he was well up in the Championship Table. His nett 66 cost him a little on the handicap front, just in time for the start of the new Competition Year.
Following closely behind and obviously positioning himself for the upcoming Vin O’Meara was the little tear-away Zimmer who put together a very respectable 74 off the beater for a 67 nett. He was closely followed by Pepsi and Harry who both played to their handicap with nett 68. Last in the points parade was AndrewB who got in by the skin of his teeth by handing his card in during the presentations to tip Brendon out of the list with a 69 – his favourite number.
This week was also the first round of the 2013 Club Stroke Play Championship and scores carded by those who played today over the next two weeks will be aggregated with your playing handicap for this week to determine the winner of this new event. Can somebody please knee-cap Oliver?
Can you believe it, but the nearest the Pin for the ball on the 12th didn’t go off, partly down to the fact that somebody didn’t put their name on it because they thought they would be too far away and they wanted to save the ink. The ProPin on the 18th (no Jackpot despite Gordons best efforts) was won by Gordon who was the only one to get close it seems. Despite the seeming lack of accuracy, there were 11 birdies so there must have been a fair number on the longer holes.
Keith (not his distant cousin Frank) was back on the track today to put in his second card on the come-back trail. Pepsi was another one who might have been looking out for position in the Vin O’Meara as he was going great guns for about 12 holes and then the wheels seemed to fall off. Mehmet was also off his best in that group and Chrispy claims that this put him off his game as well. Harry started off not at his best with doubles and a triple on the first three and that included a draughtie on the third which went awfully close to being an airie. The long rough didn’t help the second shot much either.
When people stopped stuffing themselves from the bar-b-que, there was then the important business of the Calcutta Auction which ended up going quite well despite the small numbers present. There was a certain amount of one-up-manship in some of the bidding but in the end most ended up being about fair value. There were a few doubtful starters sold so if you haven’t made your intentions clear could you please do so so that we can finalise the pool. Don’t forget that, if you have been bought by somebody, you have the option to take up a half share in the pool for half of the bid price. If you don’t take up that option before the event starts you have forfeited any claim. For those that wish to, there will be nominations next week before the round for the fixed price pool. You buy your-self for $25 – best nett score(s) in the pool take all.
We are also coming up to the Annual General Meeting and the nomination and election of the Committee for the coming year. If there is a role that you would like to contest, please put your hand up as soon as possible so that the necessary paper-work can be put in place in time for the meeting on 21 December. Don’t forget this is also the Stuart Clarke Champion of Champions and Break-up event.
Results for Saturday, 30 November 2013
1st Oliver Gross(65) 2nd Targe Mifsud(66) 3rd Kazim Akdag(67) 4th Harry Boughen(68) 4th Andrew Petricola(68) 5th Andrew Blight(69)
Results for 23 November 2013 – Stableford Round

You know what they say about Melbourne weather – if you don’t like it, just hang around for five minutes. Just as we were teeing off from the first, it started to rain and by the time we got to the 3rd there were more than a few thoughts running through what passes for a brain as to whether we really wanted to be there. Then, it eased off, and eased off and in the end the sun was shining and the greens were ‘dry’ and all was good with the world. Whether it was the weather forecasts or just the time of the month/year, but there were not many bodies on the ground and if it was not for Keith Delzoppo starting his come-back we wouldn’t have made double figures. Chrispy was not pleased about the low turn up as he only took on the job for the challenge that it entails and when he doesn’t even have to take his socks off to keep track of the numbers he wonders whether it is all worth it.
One sign of a true champion is that he doesn’t give up and Oliver showed no signs of doing that in the penultimate round of the year, racking up three birdies and two gashes to lead the field home with 38 points. Given that there were only seven birdies all up for the day, that is a fair percentage. So, not only did he win but he increased his lead in the championship table to be even more unassailable than before.
Not far behind, with 37 points, were Bill and Harry who both left scoring opportunities begging although Bill was apparently chipping in and sinking putts from all over the place. Despite the small numbers playing, not everybody was able to be in on the podium positions and the next three were filled by singletons. Mostyn played to his handicap, Targe was one over and Mehmet was three over. The rest of the field were you know where.
The Nearest the Pin, was set by Craig on the 7th because that was the green that he put the ball onto and nobody else did so he won the ball. The double Jackpot ProPin on the 15th went off today when Eddie managed to skull one onto the dance-floor close enough to get on the card. Pity, a triple jackpot might have been enough to bring a few more out of the wood-work next week.
The big disappointment for the day was the fact that the inside Championship round was abandoned by the management due to the condition of the greens (water – not damage, that’s OK). People who were having good rounds despite the conditions were a little miffed at either having to try again next week or (for one of the front runners – not one of us) not being able to play next week at all.
Keith claims not to have played since he left a few years back but the driver still seems to be working well and particularly when the greens were under water, he was sinking putts from just about anywhere. Mehmet reckons the first group should have been counted as a five, though the word slander springs to mind if the reason was to be published. There was a bit of a private competition on between Chrispy and Craig but as Craig had to get away early to go to a party, he persuaded Mehm to text him a pic of Chrispy’s scorecard. Cruelled Chrispy’s plan to exaggerate his score when he caught up with Craig.
Next week is the last round for the competition year (ultimate, for those of you who like long words) and this is the occasion for the calcutta on the Vin O’Meara that will be played the following two weeks. So that the auction can be fairly done and to minimise the book-keeping, we really need to have an idea that you will be playing so if you could advise Gordon or Harry at the earliest opportunity if you will definitely be playing or not. We would prefer not to have maybes – either a yes or no. There will also be a BarBQ to ease to pain of forking out your hard-earned as you bid up big for the fancied runners. Oliver has offered to speak with his favourite butcher so the snags should be top quality.
Also don’t forget that next week and the two rounds of the Vin O’Meara will make up the inaugural (first, for those that like short words) Club Stroke Play Championship. The placings will be determined by the aggregate nett score for the three rounds from your starting handicap. So mark it on your calendar and make up a decent field for what should be an interesting event.
Results for Saturday, 23 November 2013
1st Oliver Gross(38) 2nd Harry Boughen(37) 2nd Bill Eastoe(37) 3rd Mostyn Gregg(36) 4th Targe Mifsud(35) 5th Mehmet Akdag(33)
Results for 23 November 2013 – Par Event

After the weather of the last week, today’s offering could only be described as magnificent. The course was free of casual water and, other than a couple of (long term) exceptions, the greens were in good nick. There were a few complaints about the fact that the tees were too far forward (something to do with the inside Club Championship) and the rough was a bit that way in a few places and balls could be a bit hard to find.
All in all, there was no real excuse for not making a score and the person who managed to really make one was Mostyn who carded a +5 and who looks like starting to play to his potential – or has he just been waiting for the moment. Regardless, he has been dealt with by the handicapper.
Pepsi managed to score himself a leave pass (or was that – was able to tear himself away) from young Alexander Mario for long enough to show that his ball striking skills haven’t been affected by fatherhood to put together 69 off the stick for +4. Pepsi was reported to be ‘shanking’ the ball on a number of occasions so there must have been some magnificent recovery shots played if that was the case. He also had held out hopes that he might at last win an event this year but had to be satisfied as bridesmaid once again.
Then followed a trio on +3, Achilles, Chrispy and Mehm. Chrispy has acquired a new putting grip and swears that it is impossible to miss. He certainly put away some pretty impressive putts during the round. So much so that he said he felt like Adam Scott even though he didn’t look like him. Sharpie reckons he looked more like he had eaten him.
Tony and Mo filled the fourth spot on +2 and collected the first of the Seniors points for their effort. Harry put together a good back nine after a fairly ordinary front to take fifth on +1.
The NTP for a ball was on the 7th and there were a couple of contenders but Craig was the one with his name left on the card at the end of the day. The ProPin was on the 15th and, quite amazingly, nobody managed to get close enough to inscribe their John Henry on the card so there will be a double jackpot up for grabs next week. That should bring some of the hungry ones out of the woodwork. The lack of success in hitting the greens when it counted, didn’t much affect the flow of birdies with twelve being plodded, including three by Pepsi.
It was also a bit of a sad day today as we had to bid farewell to those two loveable yanks, Mo and Mike. President Gordon made an appropriate valedictory speech and presented them with a small memento to remind them of their stay in Oz and of their Ozzie golfing mates. Come back and visit sometime, guys. And no, Chris, you can’t claim Mo’s Championship points!
Also a get well wish to Bob, who is up for some fairly serious surgery and won’t be joining us for a month or two. Trevor has also been laid up with his back but managed to come along this morning to farewell Mo and Mike. Hope it comes good soon, Trev.
Mirthful MalA was in form today cracking a few punnies after the game. He might yet take up Brendon’s request for him to do stand-up for the break-up. Eddie tried for the green on the 17th and everybody judged it a sure thing but in the end the ball was not to be found. Just proves you shouldn’t count your pigeons before they’re hatched.
The end of the year is fast approaching and the committee has the break-up function organisation under way. The perpetual trophies have to be updated, so if you have one in your possession, can you please get it back to Gordon or Ben by next Saturday at the latest.
It seems the most favoured shirt colour might be the blue though there was a late vote for a very fetching pink that Brendon was wearing. Get your sizes in so the order can be placed.
Results for Saturday, 16 November 2013
1st Mostyn Gregg(+5) 2nd Andrew Petricola(+4) 3rd Brendon Mitchell(+3) 3rd Chris Priems(+3) 4th Mehmet Akdag(+2) 4th Tony Mifsud(+2) 4th Mo Sabih(+2) 5th Harry Boughen(+1)
Results for 19 October 2013 – Fred Kitson Spring Cup – Round 2
This is a bit late but better late than never. There were some turn arounds (or should that be turns around?) after the first round but not necessarily in the right direction to take out the top trophy. In the end it was consistency for Eddie who took the top spot with a couple of squares (not referring to conservative types in the Club) to square the card and top the podium.
Chrispy advanced himself by a fair margin, turning a -4 into a +1 for an overall -3 to take out second place. However the prize for the turn around of the match went to Mo who leaped from a -7 to a +3 to wrangle a share of third with Bob (-3 and -1) and Oliver (square and -4).
Malteser Tony scared up a -6 and +1 while Jan managed a square and a -6 to take the last two podium positions.
No other details to hand so that’s your lot.