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Results for 26 January 2013 – Par Event

Trev and Bob
A pair of vintage performers

There was a distinct lack of attendance from the younger members of our little group – something to do with a Buck’s Do or did they all just go to the Australia Day celebrations.  Even without the ragers we managed to scare up 18 players with the help of two visitors – Angelo was back again and Gilbert Demiri came along and plans to join us in due course when he gets his three cards in.

As a result of something of a bias to your more senior player in the field, the oldies had a bit of a field day and savoured the points that were on offer.  Continuing his good form of late was Trevor with a very creditable +3 off his recently lowered handicap and for his trouble it has been lowered somewhat again.  With the points, he has now caught up with Ken on the front row of the Championship grid.  Bill, Dennis and Oliver put in quite nice performances to fill the next rank with +2.

Bob is another one who has been having a bit of a streak at the moment  and scored third spot on his Pat Malone.  Then followed the two squares Tony and Gordon.  Being square seems to be something of a regular thing for Gordon in particular.  The last pair to podium was Brendon and Rod who both fell just short of playing to their handicap with -1.

The Nearest the Pin went to Dennis on the 4th while Harry did Gilbert out of the contest for the ProPin on the 12th putting it 1.6m out.  Unfortunately, the putt slipped by and so a par had to be settled for.  Speaking of birdies there were only eight plodded today, probably reflecting the lower numbers of players as much as anything.

It seems that Trevor was having a few words to say about how he was playing despite the final result – some people are never satisfied.  Bob had also been advised not to say anything and he complied for a while but when he was three up after the 6th he apparently couldn’t help himself and broke his silence.

Tony is getting to be well known in his quest to acquire balls and today he was picking them up in abundance from all over the course.  No wonder there was so much muttering and cursing about lost balls after the game.  Ken managed to keep clear of the trees today and wasn’t too far from being in the points.  Must be getting used to his lower handicap.  Mal Adey tried to stick with the advice that he got last week to ‘play better’ (with a couple of reminders from Harry) and for a while there it seemed to be working but then in the middle of the round the wheels fell off for a while.

There were only a couple of patriotic types in the group.  People thought Gordon had gotten himself an Aussie ‘hair hat’ but it turns it was only his real hair doing an impersonation.  Targe wore a shirt with the southern cross etc across the chest and he proudly pointed it out to all and sundry until somebody pointed out that it had no collar.  Still the dress code enforcers weren’t out and about so he got away with it.  Bill says he will be consulting with Slater and Gordon after Gordon (no connection with the latter) attacked him about the shins with the Treasurer’s Bag after the game.

Don’t forget that your subs are due.  I think they are supposed to be paid before the Matchplay draw next week.

Results for Saturday, 26 January 2013
1st Trevor Jackson(+3) 2nd Bill Eastoe(+2) 2nd Oliver Gross(+2) 2nd Dennis Tiernan(+2) 3rd Bob McDonald(+1) 4th Gordon Hill(□) 4th Tony Mifsud(□) 5th Rod Grant(-1) 5th Brendon Mitchell(-1)


Results for 19 January 2013 – Stableford Event

SOS the winner
Would you like to see my truncheon?

I think we are going ot have to declare the eagle an endangered species what with all the raids on the poor old bird’s nest.  One last week, two this week.  The two this week went to Chris who virtually slam dunked his on the 3rd while Damo’s was never in doubt as it rolled up the green to fall in the hole on the 11th.  According to the Club Rules the single ball in the nest should have gone to Chris having scored his earlier in the round, but an executive decision determined that both would be paid.  Well done chaps and as a result the Nest is back to one egg for next week.

The course was in pretty good nick considering the lack of rain recently and the management had obviously done some serious watering and the greens had been mown so it is not surprising that some good scores were turned in.  The king of the castle this week was SOS with 39 points which will set his handicap back just a tad.  The fact that his card was marked by his mate from the Academy, Andrew, caused some questions to be asked.  Andrew Costello might be joining us and will be putting his cards in but it does depend on whether he gets posted to the bush or not when the postings come out.  Mehm is probably hoping that it is SOS who gets posted to the bush.

Targe was hoping to get his handicap down to match his brother but was foiled by a card with three gashes that still managed to accumulate 38 points.  Targe almost didn’t get to complete the round when his talking GPS insisted in telling the group that they were on the green while Craig was putting.  Oliver, Rod, Trevor and Damien were not too far behind on 37.  All had their excuses but Damo was testing a new driver and after about three holes, steam was seen coming out of his ears as he struggled to keep to his own fairway.  He calmed down by the back nine and managed to pull together a reasonable score (helped by the eagle of course).

Mehm, Harry and Gordon didn’t do their handicap any good or any harm by coming in on 36 points and the last of the championship points went to Mal Adey who absolutely burned up the back nine for 24 points after taking Damo’s advice to ‘play better’.

The ball for the nearest the pin and the ProPin went to the same golfer, Targe Mahal – the eighth wonder of the world – according to Targe anyway.

Bill was standing next to Harry before some long putts on the 11th and commented that one of these putts is going to go in.  Harry proceeded to sink the putt for the birdie.  Unfortunately Bill just lipped the cup and had to settle for the par.  Speaking of birdies, besides the two eagles there were a total of 19 carded today.  That’s just about as many as I can recall since I’ve been paying attention to it.

Tony seems to think that he has some sort of magic powers because (according to him at least) somebody in his group always has a good round.  Maybe that’s just relative.  There were also a couple of ‘near misses’ reported today, some of which had a call, some of which didn’t.  Although a call might not necessarily prevent a strike, it’s not much of an effort really.

Ken still seems to be intent on leaving a ball up a tree somewhere with another effort today.   Another player had some tree ‘difficulties’ managing to tangle with three on the third before almost slam-dunking it into the hole for his par.  Well done Pepsi.  Although Chris and Mehmet played in the same group you would never have guessed since Chris wasn’t held up but Mehm had to wait for every shot.

Speaking of speed of play, it is recommended that you do keep up with the group in front and if there is a fairway free in front you should consider letting groups behind through.  Playing ‘ready’ golf can have a remarkable effect in speeding up the play.  On the other hand, if the group in front has their running shoes on, it can be off-putting trying to hurry your game.

There was another case today for checking scores hole by hole although this week it did not affect potential point-scorers.  This involved different score recording as well as point calculation errors that disguised the discrepancy when only the card totals were compared.  As the player signed for more strokes, those strokes stand and the points were adjusted accordingly.  If the strokes signed for had been less, then, theoretically, the person could be disqualified from the competition.  That could be embarrassing if it was someone in the winners circle.

Quite a number of people ante’d up their annual sub today and Brendon will be only too happy to collect the rest at your earliest convenience.  Also don’t forget to let Ben know your thoughts on the Murray Downs venue for the Annual Challenge.

Results for Saturday, 19 January 2013
1st Stephen O’Sullivan(39) 2nd Targe Mifsud(38) 3rd Rod Grant(37) 3rd Oliver Gross(37) 3rd Trevor Jackson(37) 3rd Damien Lee(37) 4th Mehmet Akdag(36) 4th Harry Boughen(36) 4th Gordon Hill(36) 5th Malcolm Adey(35)

Results for Saturday 12 January 2013 – Par Event

The big winner
I can do this with my eyes closed!

Well, well, well – talk about three holes in the ground.  Where to start.  There were people complaining how badly they were doing and plodding heaps of plusses and people who thought they were doing all right but finding themselves towards the back of the field.  Plus three or better to score a point, where will it end.  At the end of the handicappers hatchet hopefully.

Despite all that and more strength to his arm, congratulations are well and truly due to Mal who turned with a plus five and despite a couple of wobbles on the back thrust his chest out in a lunge to the line to take first place from a brace of players on plus six. After a round on Thursday, Mal was heard to comment that this had been a practice for Saturday – must have been a darn good practice.

Trevor was contemplating the extra winners penalty stroke for a while until he was joined by Damien and then Andrew B in the eventual second place spot.  Andrew will be happy with the ball he collected in the ball run since he managed to lose three and still turned in a score.

Chrispy had thought himself a chance but had to be satisfied with not having to share third place with anyone with a handicap sapping +5.  Next cabs off the rank were Oliver and Tony who were only able to manage a meagre plus four.

Last but not least a point each went to Mo and Targe.  What happened to Ben you might ask.  Well, it seems that Ben and Targe made compensating errors in calculating Ben’s points so that their strokes and points agreed but unfortunately the correct answerwas that Ben only had +2 and so was not eligible to collect a point this time.  A good reason to check off hole by hole and not just the totals at the end of the round.

Tony was jumping out of his skin again when he collected another ball for his collection by snagging the nearest the pin on the 15th while Andrew B was smiling all the way to the bank with the proceeds from the ProPin on the 4th.  Andrew didn’t manage the birdie but there were eleven others and the big bird is broken hearted after Mehmet raided the nest with an eagle on the 17th.  Mehmet was a bit lucky to get the eagle as the ball went very close to going into the hole from the tee leaving him with the shortest of putts that he wanted to play with a pool cue but settled for a very short grip on his putter.  The tee shot must have been something of a contrast to a shot on the previous hole where a fallen branch was deemed to not come into play.  Unfortunately it did and the subsequent ricochets placed his next shot from somewhere behind him.

There obviously mustn’t have been any slow play today to put Damo off his game considering the score but he did complain that he had stuffed up the last hole.   Oliver claims that he has never hit his drives so long and he was having trouble adjusting for the shorter approaches into the green.  Maybe the drier course has something to do with the run.  As an aside, Gordon is the only square in the field.  Pepsi was heard advising himself in no uncertain terms and fairly vehemently to stop moving his head, and this was only while putting.  Chrispy obviously has been taking lessons from Ken and as well as running his ball up a tree he also managed to leave it lodged in the branches.  The shank of the day goes to Harry who plonked a nice drive down the 8th with a wide open shot to the green only to nearly scone Bob and put it into the billabong.  The replay finished pin high (where the first effort should have been) but the putt for a square proved elusive.  Targe apparently gratefully accepted what is affectionately known as the moron’s flag.

Social Secretary Ben announced that he has been looking at venues for the Annual Challenge (away weekend) and one place that can accommodate the expected sort of group is Murray Downs at Swan Hill.  Ben would like an indication of likely interest so that he can firm up on the tentative reservation that he has made.  As I recall the cost will be about $260 for golfers including golf, accommodation on course, breakfast and dinner – slightly cheaper for non-playing partners.  Check the website for more details of the course and location.

Also just a reminder that the annual sub is now due ($20) so if you can all ante up to the treasurer or his assistant asap that would be good.

Results for Saturday, 12 January 2013
1st Malcolm Fleming(7) 2nd Andrew Blight(6) 2nd Trevor Jackson(6) 2nd Damien Lee(6) 3rd Chris Priems(5) 4th Oliver Gross(4) 4th Tony Mifsud(4) 5th Targe Mifsud(3) 5th Mo Sabih(3)

Results for Saturday 05 January 2013 – January Monthly Medal

Sharpie grinning
Winners are grinners!

Wowsers!  The competition out on the course today was almost as hot as the temperature was yesterday.  Thank goodness for the cool change – even if it was a dry one.  Speaking of dry, I gather from the ground staff that the river is reaching restriction levels for pumping and so I think we can expect to see the fairways getting a lot drier especially with some more scorchers predicted for the next week or so.  Certainly the drier conditions brings the run along the ground back into play.  Though, it was noticed that the 10th green today was verging on becoming a water hazard.  A couple of weeks ago they had to come and sweep the water off – perhaps a bit unfair on those who had already come through and had to deal with it.

As far as Mike the Mann is concerned, the ‘shanks’ are well and truly forgotten and he mostly played like a demon today.  I seem to recall that he got a mention in despatches last week as a man on a mission.  Except – a rather unfortunate triple on the 6th and a couple of other slips of the club let the sharpster, Craig through to breast (or should that be stomach) the winning post.  Still and all, the 60 and 61 nett that they carded will keep the handicapper happy and the points will go some way to narrowing the gap on Ken.

Bob continues to enjoy a bit of a purple patch and if he can keep from playing for the cover drives could end up being a force to contend with as the year progresses.  Tony is so short of balls that he was psyching himself up on any par 3 that might have a ball riding on the outcome and he was grinning like the cat that got the cream when the ball run stretched to fourth place.  Brendon and Chrispy rounded out the point getters, just edging out Mal and Harry from opening their scoring for the year.

The big biccies for the jackpotted ProPin on the 15th went off to none other than ex-pres Pepsi who put it just inside 4.5m.  So there wasn’t an awful lot between that and another jackpot.  Damien had to console wimself with a ball for the NTP on the 12th.  There were eight birdies plodded today, down a bit on normal.  And, as an aside, one player wrote down an incorrect handicap and his score has been adjusted to suit.  It pays to check the sheet, despite what you might think, your handicap does change from time to time – in both directions.

Ken is philosophical about his handicap after his win in the Vin O’Meara last month and seems to be keeping himself amused by pulling off impossible shots.  It seems that this week he ran a ball up the trunk of a tree and lodged it in the fork.  A lindrum was his only chance of being able to play it.

Mal should have been up there with the front runners except for some errant play on the 13th.  Mal is well known for a fairly consistent fade/slice but for twice, it didn’t come into play and he put two OOB on the 13th and ended up legs eleven on the hole.  Give him a five and he would have been equal second.

A couple of players also had the in-coming Treasurer cowering behind a tree as he came up the 10th.  At least he was able to spot Tony’s ball where it rolled into the hazard.  SOS also had a fair amount of strife with the greenery so it is told.  Pepsi claimed to be playing Army golf – left, right, left, right…  And I think that somebody must have mentioned Julia to Dennis and distracted him so much that he couldn’t find his ball on the 6th.  He chose not to replay because of the congestion behind us.

Speaking of which, there were definitely six spots booked last weekend but it seems that during the week somebody looked at an old attendance sheet and decided that based on that we didn’t need that many places and cancelled a couple.

Results for Saturday, 05 January 2013
1st Craig Sharp(60) 2nd Mike Mann(61) 3rd Bob McDonald(63) 4th Tony Mifsud(65) 5th Brendon Mitchell(66) 5th Chris Priems(66)