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Results for 09 June 2012

This weeks winner
The conquering hero!

The weather was not quite as kind for us this week with some of the promised clearing showers setting in just after the second group teed off.  Just enough to be a nuisance.  It obviously affected Jan’s grip significantly early on with one tee shot almost ‘caught behind’ – by the batsman.  At least his playing partners appreciated the drinks.  Not sure whether it was because of the inauspicious start but SOS was victorious in their Matchplay round 5 and 4.  Mal Fleming has also had to concede to Ken Grist after his unfortunate accident last week.  On the subject of Ken, he had to pull out early due to feeling unwell.  We all hope it is nothing serious and that Ken is back on the track next week.

Who would have believed that Priemsy could have backed up two weeks in a row.  He couldn’t stay to bask in the glory of it all as he had an urgent appointment with a pig or some such other animal in the form of a spit roast.  The win didn’t hurt his handicap much as nobody managed to play better than the course.  It seems that more than a few had to dash off and at one stage Mehmet thought he was going to have to do the presentations on his own.  Mehm, Richard and Noodles all had their chances to take the top posting but ended up just the one stroke shy of the winner.  Richard picked up the ball on the 4th and Bill was inches from snaring the money on the 18th.  Unfortunately 5.16m is 0.16m too far.  So big money to play for next week but you have to be in it to win it.

The year is just over half gone and things are hotting up on the Championship front.  Mehm is holding a slight lead in the open event with 46 points but there is less than a clear win between him and about five others with five more inside easy striking distance if they can find some form especially with the Fred Howe Cup coming up in July.  The situation with the Seniors is also very fluid.  Gordon has the lead at the moment on 18 points but there are another eight that could possibly run him down before the home straight.

Results for Saturday, 09 June 2012
1st Chris Priems(35) 2nd Mehmet Akdag(34) 2nd S Butterfield(34) 2nd Richard Hall(34) 3rd Brendon Mitchell(33) 3rd Mo Sabih(33) 4th Gordon Hill(32) 4th Laurie Mannix(32) 4th Tony Mifsud(32) 5th Rodger Clarke(31) 5th Bill Eastoe(31)

Results for June Monthly Medal 02 June 2012

Alpha and omega – guess how the grumpy one went

Well, earlier in the week, the weather forecasts didn’t look too good for today’s outing but as it turned out it was a beautiful day even if a little chilly to start with.  Despite the good weather, only two people managed to better their handicap while some of the results were downright ordinary.  At the end of the day, it was Priemsy who saluted and adds another trophy to his, by now, bulging cabinet.  Oliver was pipped at the post with a stumble on the last.

Although some of the ladies tees were well forward of the mens it does seem that there were a few instances of not making the distance.  There was some dispute about David Howard’s and a decision of  ‘on the line’ didn’t please some.

One match play result today with Gordy overcoming Noodles 4 & 3.  Noodles went on the score a birdy and a par on the one hole – the birdy by flinging his club from the tee.  Poor little mud lark.  For the rest of the match play field, time is starting to run short for the completion of the second round.

Damo thought he had done well out of his eagle on the seventeenth until someone remembered the Rodger had picked one up a few weeks ago so the nest wasn’t quite as full as he had hoped – well done all the same.  Oliver scored a ball on the 12th while Brendon picked up the jackpotted cash on the 15th.  Just a reminder to put the distance on the card even if you are in the last group and, according to the rules, the money card has to be signed by your marker.

Also just to wish our injured members a speedy recovery.  Mal Adey will be off for a while yet with his ankle and Mal Fleming took a trip and damaged his ribs, pelvis and lip. The lip required some surgery apparently.  Looking forward to seeing you on the course again soon fellows.

Results for Saturday, 02 June 2012
1st Chris Priems(66) 2nd Oliver Gross(67) 3rd Damien Lee(68) 4th Gordon Hill(70) 5th S Butterfield(73) 5th Ken Grist(73)