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Stuart Clarke Memorial Final Results 27th March 2010

Congratulations to our inaugural winner of the Stuart Clarke Memorial Trophy David Howard who put in a blistering 43 point second round to eclipse last weeks leader Ed Kloprogge into second place. Its good to see the competition results in a win that overaged over 40 stableford for both rounds. The trophy was awarded on the day which was a nice touch. All in all we could not have wished for better weather for the two rounds, conditions were perfect. Its interesting to note that the highest number of consecutive days over 20 degrees up to this year was 78 days. We are now sitting on 109 days!!

I’d like to get any photos from the day so I can post them here so please email to ivanhoegc@gmail.com.

Next week is the latest tee time for the year as we’re still (just) in daylight saving.

Final Results – Stableford Aggregate of Rounds 1 and 2
D.Howard(81) 2nd E. Kloprogge(78) 3rd K. Grist(72) 4th H.Boughen,S.Butterfield,L.Mannix,A.Petricola(71) 5th D.Rees(68)

Stuart Clark Memorial Round 1 Results 20th March 2010

It was excellent conditions for the inaugral round of the Stuart Clarke Memorial trophy which was played in Stableford format. The round was followed by the club meeting which was another inaugral occasion as it was the first ever meeting to be run by our new president Andrew. The meeting went off very well and efficiently and a few motions were agreed to (David can I get a copy of them to post) and apart from rolling in money we are now taking deposits (see Rodger next week) for Echuca and selling club shirts (see Gordon).

Stuart liked hawaiian (is that how you spell it?) shirts as you can see from his photo in the previous post so we are all going to wear a suitably colorful shirt next Saturday..he would have liked that!

Regrettably I have to report I lost my matchplay to Rod Grant 4&2  who outclassed me the whole round and remained a perfect gentleman throughout the round so resorting to bad sportsmanship would have had no effect :-(. My day was summed up as shown below.

Full results from the first round are
Ed Kloprogge(40), David Howard, Stephen Butterfield, Laurie Mannix(38),Kazim Akdag,Ken Grist, Andrew Petricola(37), Mal Whelan(35), Neil Argall(34), Rodger Clarke(33), Jan Siemon,David Rees(32), Rod Grant, Oliver Gross, Craig Sharp, Harry Boughen (31), Chris Priems, Allan Davies(28), Mehmet Akdag(27), Gordon Hill, Bob McDonald(26), Damien Lee(25).
Groups will roughly be in this order.

Damo in top placings

Well done to Damo who shot 78 off the stick to come in 3rd place in the clubhouse medal of medallists and do our club proud.

The round took 5h and 50m so afternoon golf ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Makes our 4.5h rounds look pretty nifty.

The winner was Anthony who used to work in the pro shop who had 77 off the stick with 17 handicap.

Results for 13th March 2010

A presidential win today with Andrew Petricola showing everyone a clear pair of heels by a margin of 4 stableford points and winning the day with an excellent 41 points off  a 6 handicap. Targe came second with 37 points and is aiming accurately enough to take out a few ducks cleanly next weekend.

Next week is the inaugral Stuart Clarke Memorial Trophy which will be in stableford format over two weeks. Good luck to all especially Rodger.

Results for Saturday, 13 March 2010
1st Andrew Petricola(41) 2nd Targe Mifsud(37) 3rd Andrew Blight(36) 3rd Chris Priems(36) 4th Oliver Gross(35) 5th Harry Boughen(34) 5th Ken Grist(34) 5th Ed Kloprogge(34) 5thStephen O’Sullivan(34)