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Someone left the tape out in the rain… on 29 April 2023.

Cat herders anonymous
Herding cats really takes it out of you,

It wasn’t exactly shirt-sleeve weather, but neither was it bone-chilling. It must be said that a couple of the ‘short’ brigade did upgrade to a pair of longs, so it can’t be said that it was all in the imagination of a few. There certainly was a heavy dew on the greens, which provided a few excuses for putts that finished short as well as for those that finished long due to ‘over-compensating’. At least that was the story that was put about. Fourteen members turned out, and we were joined by Jake, who came along to keep CJ honest, if nothing else. Because of the showers of rain over-night, there was a question as to whether there were preferred lies in play, but, unfortunately, if the ball happened to pick up a bit of mud, that was the rub of the green. CJ thinks there should be a rule that there are preferred lies from the start of May ’til the end of October, regardless of the condition of the course. Must be old age catching up with him. Another topic that found a fair amount of mileage today. But golfers are a bit like Diggers – age shall not weary them, they just lose their drive!

You probably couldn’t say that age was wearying him, but when you take a look at his scorecard, you might suspect that something was. Maybe it is the strain of being both cat-herder-in-chief and stand-in assistant treasurer that is to blame. Adam kicked off the round with a par, and, rather than faltering, he kept up a cracking pace to make the turn with 22 points on the card. The first hole of the back nine looked very much as if there was going to be a repeat performance until a four hole streak knocked a serious hole in the scoring potential for the nine. The final four holes produced a significant improvement, resulting in a total of 14 points, bringing his total to 36, which was enough to take out the top honours for the day.

First thing this morning, there was a serious discussion between JQ and CJ about how to adjust JQ’s driver to provide some more draw bias. It seems that the ball was fading more than he would like. In the end, CJ admitted that he really didn’t know, and JQ resorted to the Pro-shop to get the job done. Thus, there was great interest on the first tee as John lined up with the newly adjusted club. In the end, the effect of the change was lost when JQ went leaping around the tee when his pinched ‘psychotic’ nerve gave him a serious pain in the butt. Undeterred, he pressed on, and in the end, put together a pretty reasonable round, producing a total of 35 points to take out second place.

Stef was in fine driving form today, with barely a green out of reach from the tee. On the 11th, the ball actually landed on the green on the full, took a soft spot to land, and pulled up quickly. Otherwise, there was a danger that he could have taken out Anthony, who was still using the green. The shouts of ‘Fore’ were heard, but the group on the green did not appreciate the significance. However, getting scores on the card proved slightly more difficult, and a total of 34 points was the result for a spot in third place. Even though he always wears longs, Harry had to wear the shorts today. And he found them very wearing, as putt after putt (usually for par) pulled up about 300mm short. To make matters worse, if they did finish 300mm long, they had run across the edge of the hole to do so. If it was a school report card, the comment would be ‘should do better’. Still, the 34 points was enough to share the third podium level with Stef.

Stan, apparently, went close to raiding the Eagle’s Nest on the 5th hole when his shot into the green skittered past the hole, just millimetres to one side. The ball had a bit of pace, but a dead-centre strike on the pin could easily have dropped it in. Some fairly steady scoring, with only one gash and four singletons, meant that he could only tally up 33 points at the end of the day. Early in James’ round, there was a faint rasping sound in the background as the handicapper quietly honed his axe in anticipation of needing it later in the day. Particularly after James (a 21 handicap player) went close to driving the 3rd green. A bit of a slump around the turn, and 3 balls in the penalty area on the 17th meant that the honing would have to wait for another day after he returned a round of 33 to join Stan in 4th place. Geoff’s handicap has been coming down at a rapid rate this year, though some would argue, not rapidly enough. To start off today, it looked as if the cuts might be beginning to hurt. Or maybe, he just needed a slightly higher temperature to really get going. Whatever it was, the scoring turned around on the back nine to turn the 13 scored on the front into thirty-three for another share of 4th place. Craig and CJ just did enough to straggle into the final point placing with their scores of 32.

After several weeks of playing for the money on the 4th hole, today it was set to play for a ball as the first BallPin. Anthony got his name on the card early and pretty much shut everybody else out, so he will collect a ball for his effort. The BallPin on the 18th proved to be a bit more of a contest. CJ reckoned that it would have to have been a good shot to beat his after he put his name on the card for a shot that was barely on the putting surface and plenty of metres from the hole. Brendon tried his best and finished several metres closer (6.2 m away according to his measure for the inside ProPin). However, his hopes were dashed from the next (and final) group when Adam went one better and collected the ball. The ProPin was set on the 12th and Harry sent one straight at the pin that elicited the comment that it had $14 written all over it. As it turned out, it did, when it finished 3.55m past the hole. And, for the record, the tape measure was broken before Harry had to use it. It gave the distinct impression of having been seriously wet at some stage, which undoubtedly contributed to its demise. A new tape will be obtained. The putt was one of the ‘nearly almosts’, so Harry had to settle for the par, and he did not contribute to the 5 birdies that the rest of the field put together.

Brendon up a tree
I’m sure everything will be fine!

The Birthday Birdie has a quiet week this week as he only has to track down Whitey, who has a reason to celebrate later in the week. Which he should be able to do in style when his horse’s winner’s cheque lands. Brendon seemed to be having a bit of a problem with his swing plane today, and, on several occasions, he did some serious ‘earth-moving’. One such case, on the third left the ball close in to one of the trees on the left with scant room for a right-hander to take a stance for a shot. Like the optimistic Kiwi that he is, Brendon decided that there was a shot to be played from a position that, from certain angles, could suggest that he was dry-humping the tree. Despite the valiant effort, the result was not spectacular, and he had to scramble to even score a point for the hole.

A big month of events coming up. Monthly Medal will be fought over next week. The following two weeks will constitute another of the Majors for the year as the David Ford Autumn Cup. It’s a Par competition, but don’t let that put you off. Just think of it as playing Matchplay against the course. On the subject of Matchplay, the Priems Cup has been rescheduled for 27 May. There is a Stableford competition for the ball run and handicapping, and points will be awarded on the results of the matches. Check the detailed Rules on the web-site. In the Matchplay Championship, there are two matches left in Round 2, and Round 3 is not scheduled to start until 17 June. However, if we can get it done and dusted, that is all to the good. So, play your matches, whichever round you are in.

Results for Saturday, 29 Apr 2023
1st Adam King (36) 2nd John Quinlan (35) 3rd Stefan Belevski (34) 3rd Harry Boughen (34) 4th Stan Blackshaw (33) 4th James Hale (33) 4th Geoff Lyall (33) 5th Craig Cameron (32) 5th Chris Priems (32)

Seniors Results: 1st Harry Boughen (34) 2nd Geoff Lyall (33) 2nd Stan Blackshaw (33) 3rd Chris Priems (32) 3rd Craig Cameron (32)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 12th Harry Boughen BallPin No 1 – 4th Anthony Browne BallPin No 2 – 18th Adam King

Sacrilege or sacrifice on 22 April 2023

I almost feel like I’m someone else!

Opinions were divided. Well, one voice said that the course was in terrible condition, and that the Club should complain to the management. But, the most common gripe was that the sand spreader had been out during the week, and the greens were still liberally coated with a layer of sand. Was it sacrilege or had they been sacrificed? That was the question! With a certain amount of dewy moisture around, the sand very nicely coated the ball (and putter faces), and might, just might, have contributed to a perception of missed putts as a result. The fact that eighteen members were able to report eighteen birdies could put the lie to that thought. Although there were more than a few chip-ins if reports are to be believed. The weather was fine, the temperature was mild, and there was little to no wind. So, it is perhaps not surprising that there was some scoring to be done. But, despite the impressive tally of birdies, there were only five double pointers on the cards, and only two of those featured among the array of place-getters.

Club Captain, Matt, showed that the benefits of his Police benefit week away were no mere flash in the pan. The only real blemish on the first half of the card was a double on the 6th, and he turned one over the card and three up. The back nine started with one of the two-pointers, but bogies on the next two effectively off-set that. In the end, he finished the back nine square, and the plus three scoreline was one of the best for the day. The other one of the best for the day was presented by Geoff, who is amassing a very impressive total in the Championship table, and his strike rate is increasing week by week. Surely the Handicapper has got to hobble him soon! Still, his round was not without its moments. It seems that, on the 16th, he produced the Claytons air swing. There wasn’t actually much ‘air’ in it, as the club struck the ground about 300mm behind the ball, and the club head buried in the ground. Probably should have been called a ‘ground swing’. Still, a very good result overall.

For a while there, it looked as if Peter might end up being labelled a ‘square’. That was the result of his scoring on each of the first six holes. A minus on the 7th was followed immediately by another two squares, making eight out of nine. However, once he turned the corner, squares almost never appeared on the card again, and the plus three on that nine brought him home in second place with his tally of +2. Stef, as usual, was attacking the green, from the tee! On the 8th, he finished just a smidge short of pin high. He chipped on, and the ball stopped, looking for all the world as if it was resting against the pin. The Eagle heaved a great sigh of relief when it was determined that the ball was still above ground about 2mm from the hole. Pepsi presented himself with some interesting shots today when the ball strayed from the centre-line of the fairway. However, the judicious use of some ‘Priems’ tree deflection did help on occasion as well. As a result, he was able to present to the judges one point above the line to join with Stef in third place.

There was a question as to what is the greatest count of ties for the same placing in an event. This came about because there was a five-way tie for 4th place today. And, do not despair, the answer will probably be forthcoming. Anyway, regardless of whether it is a record or not, Zimmer, Craig, Raj, Porks and Brent all finished with square cards to collect a couple of points each. Ryan might not have been so well-placed when he over-cooked his chip to the 14th, and the ball finished off the other side. Not at all dismayed, Ryan calmly chipped it into the hole for the birdie and the attendant plus on the card. Brent also had a birdie on the 14th after he barrelled his drive straight at the pin and had Stef jumping up and down that it could roll in. It was not much more than a metre short, and the Eagle was watching nervously from the eyrie. Fortunately for the Eagle, and unfortunately for Brent, the slope proved too great, and the putt slipped by to leave a simple tap to finish off. Last point for the day went to Harry, who was just a single missed putt behind on minus 1.

When asked where he would like the ProPin to be today, Stef nominated the 4th, because it is, he reckons, the only real challenge on the course. Others might disagree, and certainly not Pepsi, who very neatly placed his shot to 4.14m (and not cm as appeared to be written on the card) to prove that there really was no challenge, and to collect the cash on offer. The first BallPin was on the 12th, and Stef tried to prove that there was little challenge there by getting his name on the card. Unfortunately, he didn’t count on Porks coming along and showing that it was even easier to get another ball for his ever-growing collection. As usual, the second BallPin was on the 18th, and getting the ball on the green proved too difficult for Stef, and a lot of other people as well. CJ did get his name on the card, but only until Peter came along and took out his driver for a shot from the front half of the tee box and knocked it to within a metre or so to take home the ball.

The Matchplay continues to go gang-busters, and there are only two matches left to play in Round 2, and we aren’t even up to the deadline for Round 1 yet! Today we saw Matt up against Zimmer in a virtual off-the-stick event with only one stroke to be given by Matt. For the first six holes, it looked as if the match could be anybody’s, as the score oscillated, but, as Matt, not too succinctly, put it, Zimmer couldn’t quite get it up. The score tilted more to Matt’s side of the ledger, and, by the 10th, he was three up. A small sortie from the trenches bby Zimmer gained a bit of ground, but a barrage of artillery soon forced a retreat. Despite a small scoring error by the Captain, the match went dormie 3 at the 15th, and a halved hole on the 16th gave the match to Matt, 3 and 2. Harry was up against Brent and was dismayed to find that Brent has a five stroke difference between his Club and Daily GA handicap, and he would be getting only five strokes rather than something more substantial. Brent declared that he hadn’t played for months, and anything could happen, so the match went on in good heart. The first three holes went Brent’s way, and, then, ‘things’ started to happen. By the 7th, the match was evenly balanced. On the 8th, Brent’s approach overshot the green, and he was about to declare it lost in the long grass, when Stef spotted it not too far off the green. The chip rolled and fell into the hole, really putting the pressure on. Fortunately, Harry had a stroke and his par was able to halve the hole. The match was still square after the 12th, but three wins to Brent made the match dormie 3 after the 15th. A valiant rear-guard action kept the match dormie to the 18th, which developed into a putt-off which finished square, giving the match to Brent, 1 up.

ChrisJ would like to forget his 12th hole today. His tee shot was a fearsome shank, that finished well into the penalty area, and seriously wet. Rather than take the penalty at the hazard, he elected to play from the tee. The resulting shot was virtually identical to the first. Chris did not feel like taking his chances for a third attempt, and he was out of strokes, anyway. Another player, who was out of strokes on a hole, just tapped the ball away without bothering to hole out. It was then that Zimmer reminded Matt that the hole was still in play in the match. Oh, dear! It didn’t affect the outcome, though. Gordo started out with high hopes for the round that he was going to put together, and he was apparently talking in terms of results on the plus side of the ledger. He would, perhaps, prefer not to mention how far on the wrong side of the ledger he did finish.

Priems Cup is on next week. There won’t be the advertised Club lunch, mainly due to the current lack of a barbecue at the Clubhouse, and we don’t want to impose on the kitchen staff again. The situation should be rectified by the time of the second round of the David Ford in May, one way or another. Also, the wheels are now in motion for the Annual Challenge in Cobram, in October. Captain Matt will be circulating details shortly and will be looking for expressions of interest and deposits to secure places. Check (and read) your emails.

Results for Saturday, 22 Apr 2023
1st Matt Hunt (+3) 1st Geoff Lyall (+3) 2nd Peter Sein (+2) 3rd Stefan Belevski (+1) 3rd Andrew Petricola (+1) 4th Kazim Akdag (□) 4th Craig Cameron (□) 4th Rajesh Mahto (□) 4th Ryan Porker (□) 4th Brent Rowley (□) 5th Harry Boughen (-1)

Seniors Results: 1st Geoff Lyall (+3) 2nd Peter Sein (+2) 3rd Craig Cameron (□)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 4th Andrew Petricola BallPin No 1 – 12th Ryan Porker BallPin No 2 – 18th Peter Sein

What April showers…? on 15 April 2023.

Dan's sunrise
Bloody sunrise spoiled my photo of Dan’s!

After doing a demolition of a servo, that would have gladdened the heart of Whelan, over in the west, there was a worry that Ilsa would spill what remained of her guts on or about the vicinity of the ‘Hoe. There were a few anxious eyes cast at the skies when the wind picked up, heralding the arrival of the weather front, and there were even a few drops of water from the heavens – it couldn’t actually be called rain. However, nothing eventuated and the eighteen members and one guest who ventured out enjoyed what really was a nice day for a game, even if the ‘game’ did not quite meet the same classification, at least for some. Connor McIntosh was the guest, who came along as the guest of James, who would have to count as one of our newest members. That might go some way to explaining why they were asked to ‘Please explain’ their presence in the midst of a competition, when Steve wasn’t obviously with them at the time. Fortunately, neither took offence, and Connor has handed in his first card on his way to becoming a member. So, a big ‘proper’ welcome to Connor.

Sean has only been with us for a short while as well, so he hasn’t appeared on the radar too much yet. However, today, he showed up as a very large blip, something akin to one of the thunderstorms that the Bureau talked about as a possibility later today. A couple of one pointers to start the round might have fazed some players. However, the head was obviously kept down, and six of the next seven holes went down to par. The pace did not falter much on the back nine, and another 20 points there produced a handicap smashing tally of 41 for the day. And, just a little reminder for everybody that it pays to check your handicap on the sheet each week as, believe it or not, it does actually change from time to time.

Geoff started the round by chipping in for a birdie, and four points, on the first. This is often seen to be a bad omen. The PBSU followed with an eight on the second. Another birdie, and four points, on the 4th brought the game back into line, and helped us on the way to our tally of ten birdies for the day. Despite a couple of doubles, Geoff made the turn at nineteen points. Another four-pointer on the way home helped the back nine total to twenty, and second place on the podium for 39 points. With the field a little bit compacted today, Stef and his crew did a fair bit of waiting, on fairways and tees, for the green to clear. The waits didn’t seem to affect his game too much as he was able to put together a total of thirty-eight points, and settle himself comfortably onto the third podium level. A double bogie on the 16th probably prevented him from scoring par, or even better, on the back nine.

James played a very balanced round with 18 points on each half. A slight wobble at the start of the back nine might have cost him a higher placing. Porks produced the same score line with a pair of eighteens as well. So, the pair of pairs did their handicap no harm, and added a couple of points to their total for the fourth place of the day. Harry could only manage a pair of seventeens, but his total was enough to get him another fifth spot, and another point to add to his total.

There was a Jackpot ProPin on the 4th, and the green seemed to resist most attempts to get a ball onto it. There were a few nearly-almosts, but Geoff did manage to get one on to 2.39m which was enough to fill his sky-rocket with the cash. The first BallPin was on the 12th, and it was fairly fiercely contested. In the end, it was Peter who ended up closest to collect the ball on offer. Not to be outdone, Peter had another go on the 18th with a shot on the back of the green with the pin well to the front. His optimism proved fruitless, as somebody styling themselves Peter Porker barely made it to the front of the green, and caused great confusion when it came to presenting the ball after the round.

The matchplay Championship is going gang-busters at the moment, with three matches played today. There was the match between Porks and Mehm. On paper, there was not a lot between them, a mere four strokes to be precise. Despite Mehm’s best efforts, the score-line was pretty much a one way street with the match falling to Porks at the 13th, 6 and 5. Next we had Stef up against Adam. Or should that have been Adam up against Stef? Once again, the match looked to be pretty much a one-way street, and at the 11th, it was dormie 7, a pretty tough call on anybody’s terms. A square on the 12th gave the match to Stef, 7 and 6. Then we had Steve and James. It would have to be said that Steve did not get away to a particularly good start. He produced a rather unusual ‘draughtie’ on the first tee. It wasn’t that he didn’t make it to the red markers on the first tee, he didn’t even make it to the blue markers on the 10th tee. The physics of the shot has baffled some of the best golf minds around. Anyway, in the heat of the moment, it seems that the tallying of scores went a little haywire, and so, the match did not quite finish when they thought it did. It is unlikely that this would have changed the match result, but it did change the final score. The match was actually dormie 5 at the 13th, moved to dormie 4 at the 14th, and finally finished 4 and 3 to James at the 15th.

Pepsi was a bit on ‘edge’ today as he lost count of the number of putts that just managed to run past a mere millimetre or so from the hole. He was so desperate that he was asking Gordo for a putting lesson after Gordo managed to rattle in a long one for a birdie on the 11th. Zimmer seemed to be particularly unimpressed with his performance today, and the only reportable bit was that it ‘was a waste of five hours’. Bob reckons that he has finally sorted his battery problems after taking it back to the shop for the 20th time to be advised that he had been supplied with the wrong charger/fitting for the unit. There was some concern that he might break down instead after his knee started making funny noises after an incident on the 14th tee. Look after yourself, Bobby, you’ve got to make the best of that buggy!

The Birthday Birdie was a little late checking his list, and so missed out on the chance to wish SOS a big one for today. If somebody had known, there might have even been an ale on offer. Later in the week, Joe will be pulling out the stops (or the tops) to celebrate as well.

Results for Saturday, 15 Apr 2023
1st Sean Farrell (41) 2nd Geoff Lyall (39) 3rd Stefan Belevski (38) 4th James Hale (36) 4th Ryan Porker (36) 5th Harry Boughen (34)

Seniors Results: 1st Sean Farrell (41) 2nd Geoff Lyall (39) 3rd Harry Boughen (34)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 4th Geoff Lyall BallPin No 1 – 12th Peter Sein BallPin No 2 – 18th Ryan Porker

Good Saturday (for some) on 08 April 2023.

Captain's choice
What’s more, I didn’t have to buy the beer!

A line of showers passed over the course a while before tee time, and there were suggestions that the greens might be unplayable due to casual water. Prez and Michael sussed out the situation and declared that all was good, so the twelve members who managed to get themselves from under the feathers girded their loins for the fray, and strode purposefully to the first tee. As it turned out, a couple of the greens did have a few patches wet enough to take relief from. Other than that, the course was in fine condition, even if a little less ‘runny’ than it has been in recent weeks. That, and the ‘heavy air’, copped a bit of the blame for the occasional shot that did not reach quite as far as might have been imagined in those ‘wild erratic fancies’. The sun managed to break through a few times, and there were just a couple of spots of rain. However, very few umbrellas were unfurled, and a few jackets were removed as the competition, if not the day, heated up.

There is a, perhaps unjustified, feeling that Par is not the preferred competition type among members (and golfers in general). One member was moved to comment upon this fact on the first tee, but he added the rider that he often seems to do all right at the format. Maybe it was all the practice that he managed to get in while he was swanning around up on the Gold Coast, but Capt. Matt set a cracking pace to finish the first nine just two strokes over the card and with a handsome three points to the good. The pace looked to continue on the back, where he opened with a birdie (one of only two that we scored for the day). The resulting plus was soon offset, and seven squares meant that the scoreline stayed at +3 (and the stroke count only four over the card), which was more than enough to take the top spot and top points for the day.

Stef was only two points behind in second place, and maybe his excuse was that he was often having to wait on the tee. Not because the group in front was slow, but because he was waiting for them to clear the green. He and Porks both put their drives onto the green on the 14th. Stef managed to get the other birdie for the day, and so the Eagle is resting easy for at least another week as the Raider of the Lost Nest, Ryan, could only manage a par on the hole. This little putting ‘lapse’ left Porks with an evenly balanced card and a square, handicap matching bottom line, and third place.

Geoff started off a little shakily. Someone left his clubs out in the rain….. – to bastardise a song line! As a result, he spent a fair bit of time wringing water out of the grips so that he had some chance of holding onto them and not flinging them down the fairway after the ball. He wouldn’t have had to fling his driver too far on the second, and the resultant draughtie provide Matt with his free beer. By about the 5th, the grips must have been handleable, because the scoring turned around and a plus three on the back turned the card into a fairly respectable -1 for 4th place. However, he didn’t have the podium to himself, because he was joined by Andrew. There was a suggestion that there was a modicum of ‘luck’ in getting to that score, although there was a suggestion that he was channelling the Priems when a shot heading for the pondage on the 5th hit a tree and finished mid-fairway. And he was obviously channelling Stef when his drive on the 11th finished on the 12th tee, raising questions as to whether his current handicap was a fair thing. Despite playing in ‘longs’, Harry was playing in ‘shorts’ today, and was frustrated in his search for scores by needing to sink mid-length putts. His final effort of -3 was enough to gather the last point on offer for 5th place.

The ProPin today was set on the 4th. The tee was a little way back, but the green should have been an easy enough target, despite the wet grass and the heavy air. Raj tried to bamboozle the Match Committee by writing out the ticket at 19ft 11inches. However, the ball marker was not deployed, so a quick check, by the expedient of pulling out the tape to determine the equivalent metric, confirmed that it must have been outside 5m, and so, there will be a Jackpot ProPin on the 4th next week. The first BallPin was on the 15th and Porks had his name on the card, although ever-hopeful Harry did pace his out only to find he was about a pace too far. On the 18th, Raj seems to have read the correct side of the tape, though maybe that one was single scaled, when he measured his shot which collected our ball, if not the inside ProPin.

Gordo and Stan decided that they would play their second round match today. Gordon wasn’t too happy about having to give Stan thirteen strokes, of which seven were on the back nine. But, as it turned out, the match was pretty evenly balanced. The score was never more than one hole either way, and the lead changed several times during the match. After the 16th, it was all square. On the 17th, Gordon was down in five, and Stan was on the green in two. Surely he was going to win the hole. Not quite, as he took five (yes, five) to put the ball away and the match was dormie 1 Gordon’s way. All Gordon had to do was to square the last. Needing to chip on, he carefully moved the inside tape holder out of his way, only to scuff the shot and finish still short. The next shot was looking good, until it hit the NTP marker that had been carefully placed by Raj. Two putts handed to hole to Stan. So, the match ended up all square and required a chip-off. Gordo and Stan both over-cooked the first chip a bit, and the pair of putts apiece called for a second round. Stan scuffed his to finish well short, and Gordo looked to have a chance to be well-placed after his. Except that his chip hit Stan’s ball, and finished a similar distance from the hole. Stan scuffed his putt while Gordon sank his, and so Gordon was able to advance to the third round while Stan had to console himself with what might have been.

Michael apparently went close to joining Geoff in the draughtie club on the 8th tee. He took an almighty divot and the ball travelled not much more than 10m. Fortunately, the distance to the red markers was less than that. Rob swears that the divot was so deep that he was in danger of turning his ankle in it. You would reckon that people who carry their bag would only carry a minimum number of balls, if only to keep the weight down a bit (CJ comes to mind). However, when Andrew picked up his bag from the verandah after the presentations, an indeterminate number of balls escaped the confines to scatter far and wide, down the stairs and across the pavement as well.

For those that had the Priems Cup pencilled in as their ‘must-do’ item for next week, it has been postponed for two weeks to the 29th April. It seems that there is just the small matter of Rob’s son getting married next Saturday, and the Captains will be otherwise occupied, even though the wedding isn’t until at least 1500! Just joking.

Results for Saturday, 08 Apr 2023
1st Matt Hunt (+3) 2nd Stefan Belevski (+1) 3rd Ryan Porker (□) 4th Geoff Lyall (-1) 4th Andrew Noble (-1) 5th Harry Boughen (-3)

Seniors Results: 1st Geoff Lyall (-1) 2nd Harry Boughen (-3) 3rd Michael Gourlay (-4)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 4th Jackpot BallPin No 1 – 15th Ryan Porker BallPin No 2 – 18th Rajesh Mahto