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Results for 26 May 2012

The only pic I could find of Noodles

Well, after the tropical downpour that we had yesterday, a lot of people were half expecting to need their goggles and flippers.  In actual fact, the course was remarkably dry with only a few wet patches that some wussy types declared were casual water and took a drop on marginally dryer ground.  At least one fly ball into a green left itself three parts buried where it landed.  Other than that, the weather was actually quite nice and those that chose to stay at home missed their chance to get amongst the points.

One who didn’t miss his chance was Noodles who took out top points after a fairly erratic start with only nine points after six holes.  From there on, a combination of skill, blind chance and deadly putting destroyed all contenders.  Richard Hall managed to get into the hole on the 14th with only one strike of the ball after a tee shot – unfortunately it was his second shot off the tee after the first went well and truly out of bounds.  Still, not a bad way to get par.  Trevor Jackson also put in a good showing despite having some serious problems with pretty much all of the par 3s.  Trevor is also sporting a somewhat rearranged front end on his car following some excitement with black ice in Tassie after the Barnbougle trip.

The pro-pin was obviously not worth winning today with the small numbers and so we kindly left it to jackpot to next week.  The decision on the ball hole was a line-ball thing and they had to call in the third umpire to separate the contenders.  Unfortunately (for Harry), Priemsy got the nod but there were only millimeters in it.

A vote was taken on the destination for the Melbourne Cup weekend Annual Tour and by a significant majority Bendigo got the nod.  If you haven’t nominated yet, you should get in and do so as Rodger will undoubtedly be wanting to finalise numbers and bookings and will want deposits before too long.  Speaking of Rodger, he turned up heavily bandaged and half shaven after his brush with the plastic surgeon.  A bit early to tell before the bandages come off but the early betting is that the new face won’t be much of an improvement on the old one.

No matchplay contested today but with only four more Saturdays to complete the second round, there better not be too much more delay in arranging your match.  If you don’t know who you are, check the draw from the link to the right of your screen.

Results for Saturday, 26 May 2012
1st S Butterfield(40) 2nd Richard Hall(38) 2nd Trevor Jackson(38) 3rd Ken Grist(36) 3rd Gordon Hill(36) 3rd Chris Priems(36) 4th Bill Eastoe(34) 5th Brendon Mitchell(33)

Annual Club Trip

Here are the details provided by Rodger about accommodation for the alternate destinations for the Annual Club Trip.

Place Motel Location





Bendigo Barclay on View Central





Bendigo Lakeview Resort Opposite Lake Weeroona





  Meals at RSL – coach p/up and dropoff
Mansfield   Central





  Meals – walk to pub 200m
Echuca Similar to last year up $10

It is essential that a vote for the preferred destination be taken after the game this Saturday (26 May) and those intending to go must commit so that numbers can be determined and the bookings can be confirmed.  Rodger has put a lot of effort into sussing out the lie of the land so please show him the support he deserves so that his efforts have not been in vain.  Although he won’t be there to keep you honest on the field, he has promised to be there to count hands and heads afterwards.

Keep on swinging.



Results for 12 May 2012

Targe 12 May 2012
The Maltese Falcon swoops again!

As the old saying goes – While the cat’s away the mice will play.  Even if they didn’t set the world on fire.

A very small field with a lot of the big guns away tearing up the turf at Barnbougle and Lost Farm and with some maybe put off by the weather forecast.  Harry sort of regrets not fighting off the effects of jet lag for a chance to get into the points.  As it turned out, the weather wasn’t too bad – a bit on the cool side and a brisk southerly didn’t stop the hardier types turning out in shorts.

Targe had a mixed sort of a day and wouldn’t divulge exactly why he was shouting his playing partners a round of drinks.  Perhaps it was because he scored the jackpot pro-pin.  Or perhaps not, given that the last (other) group weren’t in when he anteed up.  Noodles had to make a quick departure and SOS tried his hardest to get Nood’s share of the drinks round.  Targe was also about a foot off slam-dunking it on the 18th and confidently slotted it for the birdie.  Brother Tony put his tee shot in pretty much the same place on the green but pansied it to leave a bit left for the par.

SOS was a bit disappointed to have missed his chances to win outright but was happy enough the get top points along with Targe, if not the handicap reduction that went with it.

Noodles did have hopes of scoring a point but he was pipped at the post by the ever dependable Laurie Mannix.  Rodger would prefer that his round didn’t rate a mention – sorry Rodger.

The first round of the Matchplay has now officially finished with Richard Hall scoring a walkover from Stefan Belevski.  Check the Matchplay results page(s) and start organising your matches – you only have a bit over a month to get the round done.  Also, Harry would like some feed-back on which matchplay report you prefer.

Results for Saturday, 12 May 2012
1st Targe Mifsud(36) 1st Stephen O’Sullivan(36) 2nd Bill Eastoe(35) 3rd Ken Grist(33) 4th Tony Mifsud(32) 5th Laurie Mannix(30)

Results for 2012 May Monthly Medal

  What started out as a perfect May morning for a Medal, slowly turned into a slight mist. That mist crept in over the south, dampening not only competitors, and equipment but also the usually accustomed scores when a medal is up for grabs. Give the conditions, not so many umbrellas were seen, and the course seemed to play well under some duress.

The best of us today, with a handy even par round was Oliver Gross(77), taking his second win for the year. This put’s Oliver into definite contention for the Championship, which is really starting to heat up. Great golf Oliver under testing conditions.

With a slight cricket absence, Stephen Butterfield(83) has taken no time to gather points.(thankfully he doesn’t play a full season!) With equal second place to Mo Sabih(83), and Paul Anderson(90). Paul was fortunate to leave with a free golf ball due to a fine stroke on the 14th.

There were a mass of members who closely followed for points, and with the Tasmanian trip next week, the opportunity for easy points looms large for this weeks players.

Annual trip away was briefly discussed at the conclusion of this weeks round, with three possible locations brought forward. They were Berrigan, Bendigo, and Mansfield. A vote to reduce the selection to two was conducted. Thus leaving Mansfield, and Bendigo to be considered, and voted on Saturday week.

Two matchplay games were completed:     Ben Akdag 4 & 3 over Bob McDonald     Jan Siemon 1up over Laurie Mannix

Money hole jackpots.

Results for Saturday, 05 May 2012

1st Oliver Gross(68) 2nd Paul Anderson(69) 2nd S Butterfield(69) 2nd Mo Sabih(69) 3rd Bill Eastoe(70) 3rd Targe Mifsud(70) 4th Gordon Hill(71) 5th David Howard(72) 5th Laurie Mannix(72) 5th Mike Mann(72