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Saturday morning golf – New members welcome

New members always welcome


Pace of Play Tip of the Day
Target Time per Round (4-ball): Stroke - 4h., Other - 3h.45m.
After hitting, return to your clubs and be ready to proceed to your ball.
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Next Week’s Details

At Ivanhoe Public Golf Course, Saturday, 15th February 2025. Deadline for registrations is 1200 on Thursday, 13th February. First tee time will be 0656 or first light (whichever is the later).

Club event – Stableford – Points, Daily BallRun, BallPins x 2 and ProPin.

If you have symptoms of any sort, please do not attend but notify if you have registered to play.

How good is a party?

Please note registration time – be there early or be square, or the tee marshals will get angry as they need to rejig the groups.

In the menus at the top of the page there is one labelled Registration (or click on the link above).  This is to indicate your intentions about playing next Saturday – just enter your name and click on Yes or No.  The form will be available until Thursday.  Could everybody please indicate your intentions, even if you are not planning to play.

Don’t forget that if you don’t play the inside comp, and you want your scores to count for your Australian Handicap, you have to fill in a card with your GolfLink number and Australian Handicap to the handicapper.  In the case of non-Home members, the card will have to be handed to the handicapper at your Home Club.  Also, in stroke rounds, please calculate your stableford points and record them to facilitate data entry.

This week’s Tee Marshall is Adam (or nominated alternate).

Link to Latest Handicap Sheet

All the way with Chrissy J on 08 February 2025

CJ smashes it
If you’ve got four hours, I’ll tell you about it!

CJ. CJ. CJ. CJ. Actually, he wasn’t the only player on the course. There were thirteen other members and our ‘intern’, Marc, who turned out to do battle with the vagaries of the rapidly desiccating fairways at Ivanhoe. It’s starting to remind some members of some of the outback courses that they have played in the past. The cracks don’t quite come up to the standard of Bourke, where your ball could easily disappear, but some are getting there. The weather was fine and overcast with little wind, so some good scoring was definitely on the cards (or not, depending on how your game went).

So, after honing his skills at the Frog yesterday, CJ came out, and started taking the course apart, and in the process produced a personal best score of 69 off the stick for a total of 44 Stableford points. And he had the hide to say that he left a few out there, which you have to believe, when he three-putted from less than half a metre on one hole. Harry looked as if he was going to match CJ when he turned with 20 points also. However, he couldn’t quite match the ‘Power of the Priems’ on the back, and could only manage another seventeen points to collect second place with 37 points.

Brent tried for a draw on the 11th but pulled it into the trees instead, and the ball came rocketing back to finish pretty much in line with the red markers. Despite that, he managed to par the hole to finish with a commendable 35 points. Stan declared that there wasn’t anything exciting about his game other than making it to 4.3m from the hole on the 15th to take out the ProPin for the day. But, he also scored 35 points to take a share of third place. Raj was much happier today than he was last week, and his score of 34 points won him fourth place. Porks also claimed an unexciting round, other than having to avoid Brent’s drive on the second, on his way to the last spot on the podium with thirty-three.

The first BallPin was on the 12th, and Brent managed to get closest to take out that one. He did miss the putt by a whisker, so that hole did not contribute to the ten that we scored for the day. The BallPin on the 18th was a Double Jackpot, and it was left to Harry to knock off JQ for the booty.

Trees , trees, trees
Any closer, you’d need a chainsaw!

Marc lined up for a lesson with Chris during the week, so his head was full of good advice. He played some great shots, and the errant ones made good use of the trees. His drive from the 2nd went through a tree and still finished in the bunker on the 6th, which could easily be a first. Brendon was a bit down the batting order today, and at one stage he was reduced to using the back of his putter to play a shot. Harry, on the other hand, was able to extricate himself using the face of the club. SOS was cheesed when the HIO comp on the 18th informed him that it was only available between 1359 and 1459, so, at least, it saved him money. Brendon, on the other hand, scored some freebies by reporting faults with the system. Adam went to ‘clink’ tinnies with CJ to celebrate his win, and CJ thought Adam had bought him another, and tried to take it. The Birthday Birdie has a big shout out today for Bob and Brent, who both have reason to celebrate this week.

Results for Saturday, 08 Feb 2025
1st Chris Priems (44) 2nd Harry Boughen (37) 3rd Stan Blackshaw (35) 3rd Brent Rowley (35) 4th Rajesh Mahto (34) 5th Ryan Porker (33)

Seniors Results: 1st Chris Priems (44) 2nd Harry Boughen (37) 3rd Stan Blackshaw (35)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 15th Stan Blackshaw BallPin No 1 – 12th Brent Rowley BallPin No 2 – 18th Harry Boughen

No barbecue, but we had Snags, on 1 February 2025

Sosages and Snags
Old buddies from way back.

Beautiful fine weather. Hard fairways. Soft (and freshly blown) greens. High scoring in recent weeks. Eleven keen members. Our old mate, Snags. Guest (and potential new member) Marc Phillips. There was every promise of a day to remember on the scoring front. And the reality?

SOS owned up to the fact that he has had a couple of lessons with Chris (Moore, that is, not the other one(s)), and he reckons that he can put his Bradbury like performance down to that. Watch out everyone, because he is lining up for more, and recommending it to anyone who will listen. Do I smell ‘commission’? So, by doing a bit of a blitz job on the back, he was able to thread his way through the tumbling ten-pins to finish on top with everybody’s favourite, sixty-nine to collect the Medal, and a place in the David Primrose.

CJ made good use of the trees today, and was saved, on a number of occasions, by appeals to the tree gods, who promptly answered his supplications. His final score was just a stroke behind the winner thanks to the numerous interventions. It was thought that, maybe, Marc also had a direct line to aforesaid tree gods when a number of stray shots turned fortuitous.

Craig was his usual sure and steady self, and could easily have been better than seventy-one, except for a couple of strayings from the straight and narrow. The pars proved elusive for Stan, who joined Craig in third place. Appearing a little more regularly in recent times seems to be paying off for Ken, who featured in the points again to take a couple for fourth place. Rounding out the podium, we had Ryan, who also tried for a Bradbury, by polishing off the back nine just one stroke over the card. Just a pity he couldn’t have been a bit higher up the table to mark the occasion of his 400th game with the Club.

There was a thought that the BallPin on the 7th was a chance to Jackpot again, but Old Reliable had other ideas, and put it on and close enough to add another pair of balls to his collection. Nobody was so lucky on the 18th, and there will be a Double Jackpot next week, with three balls to be won. The ProPin was set on the 4th, and the 5m circle almost proved to be too small, but Gordo saved the day by getting his ball to 2.97m. The birdie eluded him, which was not atypical, as we could only card three for the day.

Raj gave his ankle a good work out today, as he was seen to be taking the ‘scenic route’, on a few occasions. He also admitted donating three balls to the collection at the bottom of the pond on the 17th. Not quite a record, but getting up there. Snags didn’t have any coins with him today because it all goes into his ‘swear box’ at home. Or, should that be, ‘swear 200l drum’. The Birthday Birdie was remiss and missed Rob’s big day a couple of weeks ago, and there is a big shout out due to Josh in the coming week.

Results for Saturday, 01 Feb 2025
1st Stephen O’Sullivan (69) 2nd Chris Priems (70) 3rd Stan Blackshaw (71) 3rd Craig Cameron (71) 4th Ken Watson (73) 5th Dan Marie (74) 5th Ryan Porker (74)

Seniors Results: 1st Chris Priems (70) 2nd Craig Cameron (71) 2nd Stan Blackshaw (71) 3rd Ken Watson (73)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 4th Gordon Hill BallPin No 1 – 7th Craig Cameron BallPin No 2 – 18th Jackpot

New and Old Reliables

Winners from 25 January 2025, from left to right, Matty Hunt, Craig Cameron and Josh Hunt
Josh the moral winner, Craig second

Another ridiculously slow round – caused entirely by a group in front of our players.

Perhaps in summer we should commit to earlier tee off times and reduce the likelihood of being dudded by whackers like today’s lot?

The news of the day was our joint winners, Hunts x 2 (the New Reliables?) and Old Reliable.

Special mentions also for podium finishers Tim, Peps and Stan (is he another New Reliable) and CJ.

Par they say is a “funny game” and not everybody’s cup of tea. Today wasn’t Grand Par so “double pluses” only counted for one.

Josh had three double pluses on holes 13, 14 and 15 (the latter two being birdies). In a Grand Par round he’d have been +6 and a clear winner.

Craig had one double plus (a birdie on the 10th) and wouldabeen +4 in Grand Par.

Matt had no double pluses, so speaking morally, he shouldabeen third not equal first.

Indeed Josh had the old man on toast standing on the 18th tee. At +4, with Matty at +3, and coming off a run of 6 pluses in a row on holes 12-17, a nice par or even a steady 4 a half would have seen Josh knock the old man off. But it wasn’t to be. A shocker off the tee led to a wipe for Josh while Matty calmly slotted his par.

Matty Hunt's buggy spill on the hill after the 13th green
Hunt buggy crash 1

Earlier both Hunt boys had buggy accidents, including a spectacular 180 degree turn and somersault of Matt’s buggy coming up the hill after the 13th. Matt was on the phone at the time and obviously distracted. Is there a fine for that?

Of our second placegetters, Peps had the heartbreak/handbrake story. A double plus birdie on the 8th was one of three birdies on the front 9 that saw him turn 1-under off the stick and +4 (and +5 after 13). But 4 wipes and a half over the last 5 holes were costly.

After wipes on the first two holes, Tim steadied and kept his round going nicely, offsetting bad holes with good ones. His +1 included 6 pluses and 5 wipes. Stan is obviously back in town. His +1 was made up of 5 pluses and 4 wipes.

CJ was his usual steady self with 3 pluses (including one double plus birdie on the 13th) and 3 wipes.

Adam birdied the 1st (a double plus) and turned on +2 but couldn’t sustain his run.

Porks seemed cranky after the round but had done enough to sneak into 5th.

The others in the field of 15 were Targe, SoS and Raj (-4) and three blokes sharing this week’s NAGA at -5, Rob, Steve and Ken.

Josh Hunt's spilled buggy
Hunt buggy crash 2

Josh won the money (and didn’t share it with his dad) with a great shot into the 15th. Nobody hit the green on 7 and 18, so both ball holes are a jackpot for next week’s February monthly medal round.

Harry’s birdie count with a few words left, 15.

PS. Mail after the round from Chris in the Pro-shop is always ring to let him know if players in front of us are ridiculously slow. After 9am he has extra staff and can get out on the course and give the offenders a hurry-up.

PPS. Harry how was the Tour Down Under in South Aus? Did you win the over 80’s men’s race?

Results for Saturday, 25 Jan 2025
1st Craig Cameron (+3) 1st Josh Hunt (+3) 1st Matt Hunt (+3) 2nd Stan Blackshaw (+1) 2nd Tim Mathers (+1) 2nd Andrew Petricola (+1) 3rd Chris Priems (□) 4th Adam King (-1) 5th Ryan Porker (-2)

Seniors Results: 1st Craig Cameron (+3) 1st Matt Hunt (+3) 2nd Stan Blackshaw (+1) 3rd Chris Priems (□)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 15th Josh Hunt BallPin No 1 – 7th Jackpot BallPin No 2 – 18th Jackpot

The Kenny/Prez/Adam show

Winner Ken (42 Points) with Rob SoS Dan and Stan
Beers and smiles, a big day out!

In 500 words or less, how do we do justice to today’s big show, starting with Kenny – 42 points, despite a draughty and wipe on the 1st (and 1 point on the 2nd) and later an unplayable lie with a ball up a tree on the 13th.

Then Prez Priems playing in the same group with Ken – 41 points, including two missed tiddlers in another coulda / shoulda/ what might have been putting performance.

And Adam with 40 points, including 23 on the front 9. His round only good enough for 3rd with us but first in the inside A Grade.

Harry has this ever been done before – the first three placings all 40+ (or equivalent for par or stroke)?

Harry on his bike at South Australian's Brighton Beach
Where is Harry?

Let’s not forget Peps with 37, including a pitch in eagle at the 14th – 60 degree wedge which he called off the bat – “go in” he said, and it did. Last week Peps with 37 would have been equal 1st. Today it was only good enough for 4th.

And Stan in 5th with 36. Coming off time in London (bloody cold!) Stan also had a draughty on the 1st, sending his ball at an almost 90 degree angle in the direction of the 10th tee. Stan got better as the round progressed and rattled home with a back 9 of 20 points. Club members who like a punt could do well backing Stan in coming weeks.

Honourable mention to Chris V with 35 points. Chris was playing his first game in a long time. Coaching his kids soccer team has kept him busy – can you believe the twins are 8 years old already! Tee to green Chris played beautifully. If the putter behaved he might well have joined the 40+ brigade.

Of the rest, all had their moments. Michael’s 34 points included a classic shank off the 15th tee that “did a Kenny” and was found up a tree. Targe with 33 points was a bit stiff to miss out on Seniors points after a good front 9 of 18 points. Others in the field of 14 were JQ (33) Steve and CJ (31) Gordo (30) whose “3 for 4” birdie on the 1st was followed by three wipes, SoS (30) and this week’s NAGA, Dan.

Kenny fetching his ball from a tree on the 13th
Kenny up a tree on the 13th

But back to Kenny. Highlights include a Nearest-the-pin ball win on the 4th, a 5 point birdie on the 8th and a miraculous par on the last – duff of the tee, second onto the green but with tricky downhill putt – in she goes, no problem!

Peps won the NTP money on the 12th, just shading Chris V. Michael bravely took out the club he shanked on the 15th and bunted it close to win the ball on 18.

26 words left. Harry likes a birdie count (7) plus the Peps eagle. Let’s hope the day’s glamour boys enjoy their new handicaps, Kenny cut by 4 and Prez and Adam 2 each.

Not counting captions, 499 words! Porks/Blighty/Matty did you read to the end?

Results for Saturday, 18 Jan 2025
1st Ken Watson (42) 2nd Robert Priems (41) 3rd Adam King (40) 4th Andrew Petricola (37) 5th Stan Blackshaw (36)

Seniors Results: 1st Ken Watson (42) 2nd Robert Priems (41) 3rd Stan Blackshaw (36)

Nearest the Pin Results: ProPin – 12th Andrew Petricola BallPin No 1 – 4th Ken Watson BallPin No 2 – 18th Michael Gourlay

Eagle’s Nest Results: Eagle – 14th Andrew Petricola