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Results for November Monthly Medal – 10 November 2012

They seek him here, they seek him there…..

The Scarlet Pimpernel is back!!  But haven’t managed to catch him (on camera) yet.

Some of the clouds about tried to look threatening but the weather gods had obviously shot their bolt overnight (or at least early this morning) and the freshly mown rough gave the course a benign face so there was no excuse for not scoring well.  Unfortunately, not all of us took advantage of what the day had to offer and only three people managed to play under their handicap.  The two front runners were Mehm and Noodles and there had to be a count-back to decide the winner of the Monthly Medal.  Whilst Mehmet was consistent between nines, Noods had the better of the back and ended up winning the countback by a comfortable margin.  Dennis also came in under the course par and will feel a light stroke of the handicappers whip rather than the instrument of torture that the brothers used at the school he attended.

Sixty-nine proved to be very popular with the third place getters while Oliver and Targe went solo to round out fourth and fifth.

Trevor managed to squeeze one onto the green inside Targe on the 12th to pick up a ball while the ProPin on the 15th went begging.  What?  Are we letting it build up so that Craig can come back to clean it up again?  Thirteen birdies today but nothing of the larger bird of prey.

Noodles’ win today caught up a fair bit of the leeway that he had given to Gordon during his mini form slump in the Club Championship table.  At this stage it would appear to be a two horse race unless Mehm can arrange to nobble both of them and win the next two weeks.  The Seniors Championship is All Over Red Rover as even if Gordon doesn’t score in the next two weeks, nobody can over-take him.

Firstly, an apology to David over last weeks par about the Bendigo trip.  I misread the note I was given and said he hit a cart and a tree with a ball.  This was not true – he hit a tree with a cart.

Speaking of hitting trees, Ben hit a screamer off the 6th – just a little off line – hit a tree and the ball came back to a bit in front of the lady’s tee.  His second shot hit another (same?) tree and came back even closer to the lady’s tee.  If it had had passed the lady’s tee, would that have counted for a round?  And speaking of lady’s tees, there was a suggestion that some people had quite a bit of difficulty in getting past said tee on one of the holes at Bendigo.  Gordon was one of the names mentioned.

There was another record set on the course today – well it’s hard to imagine that it is not a record.  No names, no pack-drill but his surname is the same as a well-known AFL ex-player/coach and rhymes with ‘right’ managed to put five (yes five!) balls into the hazard on the 17th to rack up a seventeen.  One of the draw-backs of playing stroke events, hey Andrew.

The other matter of importance is the fact that, theoretically, nominations for Committee positions were supposed to be handed in by today.  However, due to a number of circumstances, the deadline has been extended to next Saturday.  All positions are up for grabs and there are a few people who might like a rest from roles that they have filled for a number of years.  None of the jobs are particularly onerous and you could help to run the Club as smoothly as you would like it to.  I am guessing a bit, but I imagine that nominations forms are available from Secretary David and as a last resort will be available on the day.  The AGM will be on Break-up Day 15th December.

Results for Saturday, 10 November 2012
1st Mehmet Akdag(66) 1st S Butterfield(66) 2nd Dennis Tiernan(67) 3rd Trevor Jackson(69) 3rd Damien Lee(69) 3rd Brendon Mitchell(69) 3rd Andrew Petricola(69) 4th Oliver Gross(71) 5th Targe Mifsud(74)

Bendigo Weekend – 3rd and 4th November 2012

Bendigo Winner
Almost as good as racing pigeons!

It seems that the weekend away in Bendigo went off well and nobody disgraced themselves – well not that is being talked about.  It seems that Eddie was able to tear himself away from the cages and put in a fine effort to take out the coveted Beige Jacket and Gold Cup yet another time.  Second time in four years, I’m told.  And he is recently back from injury.

The contest for runner-up was also fierce and the committee had to resort to a countback to separate Pepsi and the Prince of Persia.  Pepsi took his brand new 1 handicap in his stride and played brilliantly but was pipped at the post by Mo who seems to have struck some good form as the year draws to a close.  Pity the handicapper can’t have a say.

Mo was also deadly on the short holes and took home a bucket of balls and a pile of money from the NTP and ProPin events.  Doesn’t sound as if anybody else got a look in.

Bendigo Bust Up
Carbon ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.

It’s not surprising that Chris was not in contention as he had to play the whole weekend without a driver.  A simple waggle of the club on the first tee caused the shaft to snap leaving Chris looking blue (if not purple).   It seems that the problem arose from wear on the dividers in his bag and the rest of his set is showing similar signs of deterioration.  A salutory lesson chaps.   Perhaps it’s the effect of carrying the bag across the back that did it.

One other trophy of note from the weekend is the prestigious Cock’s Plate – no not the racing one.  Not sure how many contenders there might have been but it seems that David took it out by a country mile by managing to collect both a cart and a tree and all with the one shot.

Bendigo Bottle Brush
No necking this bottle.

At any rate, a good time was had by all.  Some took the opportunity to smell the flowers (or at least admire them) while others were interested in bottles of another kind.

There will undoubtedly be tales aplenty in the fullness of time so just think of this as a taster and as more come out of the woodwork they might just get featured further down the track.

Results for Saturday 27th October 2012 – Stableford Event.

Smug – ME?

Well despite the fact that there were a few standing around before the game shivering like the proberbial cat passing razor blades, it turned out to be a reasonable day though the umbrellas did get unfurled a couple of times.  The rain of recent days has softened the course a little so not quite so much run and the greens have brightened up with their recent dusting and a bit of a feed to take advantage of the one and a half warm days that we have had.

The conditions obviously suited the fearless leader once again and undaunted by the recently acquired 3 handicap he took the course apart to return a two under round for 41 points and in the process acquire a 1 handicap.  The thing about it was that he complained the whole round about how poorly he was connecting with the ball and was heard to urge the same shot to slow down and hurry up as it trickled to gimme distance.  That and how he never plays well when he plays with Noodles.  If Pepsi keeps this up methinks we will have to re-introduce plus handicaps.

Brendon and Mo the Persian Patriarch were not far behind with 39 points.  Mehm has ambitions to catch Noodles in the Championship table but if his equal 3rd place-getter Gordon keeps this up his lead will shortly become unassailable given that there are only a few weeks of competition left for this year.  Trevor at 4th has been appearing in the placings on a fairly regular basis in recent times and Krispy filled the last of the point scoring spots.

We managed to rack up 13 birdies today with six of them on the 17th.  Pepsi certainly tried hard for his Eagle there from just off the green but pulled up just a bit short.

A big welcome back to Craig who seems to have recovered from his recent work injury well but reports of WorkCover helicopters and photographers in wheelie bins could not be verified.  Although his scoring wasn’t the best he still managed to score by taking out both the ProPin on the 12th (Double Jackpot – thank you very much considering he didn’t play the previous two weeks) and the ball hole on the 15th.  Perhaps we should take a swab to test for performance enhancing drugs.  Can anybody whistle?  Fortunately for Trevor, he remembered to put the markers out this week.

Ben was also back after some time out to pasture.  He must have fallen on hard times and run out of his supply of Grecian 2000.  There were two doubles on the course today and I’m not talking about the bets Pepsi and Noodles were contemplating if they happened to jag the ProPin.  Ben and Jan had to shout for Mehm on the 3rd and Tony and Eddy also racked up a performance to shout about on the same (but different) hole.  It seems that there is no statute of limitations on Shout Shots because Ben’s was his second shot after the first went OOB.  Not sure whether it was the same hole as the Shout Shot, but Eddy had a second shot end up 10m behind where he teed off from.  Harry also scored a tree dead centre with his second on the 10th but only ended up 10m behind where he hit it from.

Rodger must have been too cosy under the feathers this morning and only arrived in the Car Park about when the first group were teeing off.  Poor Allan was sweating on Rodger to share his cart and was on the verge of abandoning hope of playing.  Some frenzied scritching and scratching by Krispy rearranged the groupings to accommodate the late registrations.  Speaking of Krispy, his putt on the 2nd apparently hung on the edge of the hole for 9.8 seconds before a worm pushed up a casting and rolled it into the hole.  But for that he would have had to share 5th with four other hopefuls.

And, last but not least, Noodles, the golden headed boy of but just a few weeks ago didn’t have such a good day and was noticed to take umbrage with his equipment on a couple of occasions.  If there had been goal posts, one occasion might have scored him another six points.

Next Saturday will be social only for those not going to Bendigo and the following week will be the November Monthly Medal.  Hit them long and strong in Bendigo and see you all back at Royal Ivanhoe on the 10th.

Results for Saturday, 27 October 2012
1st Andrew Petricola(41) 2nd Brendon Mitchell(39) 2nd Mo Sabih(39) 3rd Mehmet Akdag(36) 3rd Gordon Hill(36) 4th Trevor Jackson(34) 5th Chris Priems(33)

Results for Round 2 – Fred Kitson Memorial Trophy – 20 October 2012

Fearless leader leading fearlessly.

Well, I’m not too sure who had the lean, Pepsi, the cameraman or the horizon.  Maybe it was just the weight of the trophy that put him off balance – he hadn’t had that many beers at this stage at least.  It was decided that Pepsi should be somewhere near vertical after a magnificent come from behind win with a +4 today and an overall +3.  He didn’t have it all his own way as Gordo shared the honours on the scorecard but lost out in the count-back over the last six holes after being tied over the last nine.  A couple of minor hiccups on the 13th and the 17th for Gordo made all the difference.

Ken Grist put in a steady performance today to ease himself into second place with an overall +1 followed by last week’s front runner Bobbie McDonald and a consistent Dennis Tiernan coming in square for third place.  Krispy Priems and Bill Eastoe held it together to make 4th and 5th to round out the Championship Point getters.

Talking of Championship points there has been some serious movement at the station for the word has got about that the colt from Old Regret has got away.  The pressure of lack of sleep and worrying about his batting average seems to have gotten to Noodles and his run down the straight has stalled for the time being.  Gordo is now leading both Championship tables with the big points for this event.  With the finishing line in sight, the numbers capable of pulling off a crash tackle are diminishing but there are still several in there with a chance.

It seems to have been Pepsi’s day as he managed to score a ball on the 12th for the Nearest the Pin.  Didn’t manage a birdie on that one though he did manage to rack up almost half of the eleven that were plodded.  The ProPin on the 15th, already a jackpot from last week, eluded us all again this week so a double jackpot up for grabs next week.  Should be enough to bring some people out of retirement.

Speaking of retirement,  Allan, it seems, has gone back to work.  They made him an offer he couldn’t refuse and he has to be able to afford golf balls somehow.

After last weeks effort, Tony had a heap of stories to tell about hard luck with trees and bad lies and seemed to be making better of it today except maybe for his second on the 6th that was hard up against the butt of a gum tree.  It required a back of the club left handed shot to get it back into play.  Ken also put himself close up behind a tree on the 16th but managed to pull off a respectable recovery.  How he did it without bending the club around the tree remains unclear.

Bill turned up today without his balls.  Seems he cleaned out the three dozen that had accumulated in his bag and forgot to put a few back in.  Only problem was he worried the whole round about the possibility of losing the brand new balls that he had to buy.  Blighty also had a bit of a brain fade on the 15th and left one of his clubs on the tee – one of those popular Bogan clubs that he uses.

The Bendigo trip is looming up fast and there was lots of money changing hands.  There was also some mis-counting of what was changing hands.  Pepsi is not looking forward to playing Bendigo on his new handicap.

The after barbeque was enjoyed by all although there was a bit of a panic about gas or something early on.  The hamburgers and sausages were of the usual high standard.  Mehm provided some left-over cake that met with high approval from the cake-eaters in the group and SOS, a self-confessed cake-a-holic filled up his doggy bag with the left-overs.  Might have to let your belt out a notch after that lot.  The fate of the left-over snags was less clear with Pepsi’s dog being the front runner after the guys teeing off on the 17th knocked back the chance in favour of a beer after the 18th.